Many people (including a surprising number of women) called me patronizing and naïve for writing, among other things, the following about women making better politicians than men.
I just believe a great deal of public good would be derived from a reversal of gender participation in politics at this point in the (his)tory of (man)kind – such that men and women are represented in inverse ratio, at every level, to what we have today.
(“Men Should Be Barred from Politics,” The iPINIONS Journal, September 25, 2013)
Well, here is how the (woman-founded) Huffington Post reported yesterday on the indispensable role women played in ending the government shutdown and saving the country from economic Armageddon:
Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) said on Wednesday afternoon that their female colleagues can take most of the credit for driving the compromise that is expected to temporarily reopen the U.S. government and raise the debt ceiling before Thursday’s deadline.
‘Leadership, I must fully admit, was provided primarily from women in the Senate,’ McCain said after the bipartisan deal was announced.
Of course, given the way men were continually posturing and prattling on TV, you can be forgiven for thinking that women played no role in forging this compromise. Which is just another reason for men in politics to just shut up and look strong.
Enough said?
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