In this previous article (dated 28 February 2006), I distilled the issues in dispute and predicted the outcome of the sensational plagiarism trial of the author of The Da Vinci Code (DaVinci), Dan Brown, as follows:
First and foremost, I submit to you that this question must necessarily arise whenever the alleged plagiarizer sells 30 million books and the original author only around 30. However, Brown cleverly attributes the original idea for DaVinci, in part, to HBHG. And, since novels based on historical scholarship have a hallowed tradition dating back to the time of William Shakespeare, it is a precedent that British courts are loath to overturn.
Therefore, as a legal matter, claimants Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh will lose….

The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (sic) did not have a central theme in the way its authors suggested….It was an artificial creation for the purposes of the litigation working back from the Da Vinci Code.
There is, nonetheless, an upside to this whole farce for all parties involved. Because, as James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces demonstrated, there’s nothing like controversy to boost sales of a book (or movie). Indeed, even if they lose, Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh might see their 30 copies in sales increase to 3 million before the dust is settled….
Hooray for Hollywood!
However, I was surprised when Mr Justice Smith echoed my cynicism in his ruling by declaring that:
It is a fact that the claimants’ book sales have benefited from The Da Vinci Code (and this litigation).
Case closed!
(But if you’re a glutton for tortured and verbose legal reasoning, only to end up where I began, click here to read extracts from Mr Justice Peter Smith’s ruling. )
Having prophesied the outcome of this trial in every material respect, I feel obliged to assert that I consider Dan Brown’s theory – that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child and the bloodline survives to this day (in France of all places) – as much a fairytale as the Bible’s story of Adam and Eve. Therefore, I consider him nothing more than an unconscionable snake-oil salesman for peddling his perversion of Christian beliefs as historical fact.
Indeed, if Brown’s research was so thorough, and his book so factual, one wonders why he didn’t discover the Judas bombshell: That the Judas Iscariot portrayed in the Bible as a cardinal betrayer was, in fact, the most trusted and loyal disciple who simply followed Jesus’s divine instructions to turn him in to be crucified – as part of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.
Or, one wonders why he did not discover the John the Baptist bombshell: That John the Baptist and Jesus were, in fact, “twin Messiahs”….
Too much?
NOTE: If you’re a Christian, I admonish you to look neither to the Bible nor to any ancient text for validation of your faith. After all, such mortal representations of “God’s word” are inherently unreliable – no matter how purportedly inspired by the “Holy Ghost”. Whatever your religious faith, however, I think we will all find favor with God if we simple follow the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown, plagiarism trial
Karen (London) says
Very ballsy ALH! You know you’re going to get flack for that ‘fairy tale’ comment. But when has that ever stopped you……
dominic says
This trial was the talk of London these past few weeks. And I must say few commentators were as prescient as you were. Many of them seemed to share Baigent and Leigh’s “sales envy” of Brown and thought he should be humbled.
I agree with your view of Dan Brown’s blasphemous theory but I am disappointed that a man as intelligent as you would be so ignorant as to dismiss the word of God a “fairytale”.
Jennifer says
Hi Karen
You say Anthony is “ballsy” for calling the story of Adam and Eve a fairytale but you don’t say if you agree with him. As a Christian, I welcome his intellectual courage and honesty. Since I know many intelligent Christians who feel the same way but would never say so publicly. But how can anyone believe in evolution and also believe that the story of Adam and Eve is true?
God bless you Anthony
Anonymous says
dan brown is a heathen and so are you. may you both burn in hell for mocking the word of god
Michelle says
Hi Anthony
I have never disagreed with you on anything but I think you’ve lost me on this one. Are you saying that you do not believe the Bible is the word of God?
Mary says
I agree wholeheartedly with your take on religion, Anthony and I will come to your defense. I was brought up christian and spoonfed fear on a consistent basis about the rapture and other “end times” propaganda. The idea of wars, slaughter and destruction is rampant throughout the Bible if one challenges christianity. Jesus spoke of loving one another and acceptance. Jesus hung out with “undesirables.” As a result, I was a very nervous child who was terrified at times when I was alone or would wake up alone in the house(which I often did)thinking in sheer horror that I had been left behind because I was “a bad child.” I did not like fearing death around every other corner or the idea of “burning in hell” if it was preordained and that I could not escape the fate. I don’t want to believe in a God that is a puppet master and that revels in suffering and torment and that must be bowed down to every, living moment or that it would annihilate my being if I did not obey every second. I believe in Jesus and that he is the supreme being. I worship Jesus but I also worship and pay homage to a whole host of beings that assist: Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestral, Animal Totems, and Elementals. I have studied metaphysics, mediumship and occult for many years and understand that the bible consists of many metaphors. There are hidden teachings within christianity. I refer you to one of my favorite metaphysical authors, Ted Andrews. I have enjoyed all of his work. We don’t die, the energy turns into a different consistency and we exist on various astral planes. On a happier note, I am very excited about the “Pink” Full Moon which occurs April 13 and which as always, I will be observing. Always be true to yourself.
Anonymous says
This is a great article ALH
After reading this and your article on Christians opposing gay cruises in the Caribbean, I think you should come to my church and give the Easter Sunday sermon because you preach the message of Jesus Christ better than any pastor I know.
Ric says
You called it ALH. Well done. Karen’s right, ballsy stuff. But so true….
ALH ipinions says
Fair question Michelle
As it happens, my views about the Bible are very similar to Mary’s. I believe it is a very inspirational book. But I find Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet no less inspirational. Of course, the Bible is the source of the “Golden Rule” that I believe would serve well as a universal religious doctrine. I’m too much of a doubting Thomas, however, to accept the Bible literally as the word of God. My faith is not quite so settled and my spirit is too Lutheran to accept any man’s representations in this regard.
As for calling the story of Adam and Eve a “fairytale”, I intended no disrespect. But if all humans originated from these two fabled creatures, it seems more than a little curious that I cannot find any reference to them in all of the alleged utterances of Jesus Christ (as recorded in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). Of course, if my Daddy, the Deacon, were still alive, his response to this enquiry would be “Lord you know I need to have Job’s faith and patience with this boy….” Although, perhaps references by Jesus to Adam and Eve can be found in the newly discovered gospel of Judas, which I now have on my “to read” list….
Em Asomba says
In fact the whole debate about religion in my understanding, and more specifically its stance should be more about the spread of tolerance (but of course, each and everyone of us are entitled to our own opinions). This article is thought provoking first of all due to the way it challenges the symbolisms attached to religious practices, and also the rights for everyone of us to have the freedom to express his/her views about some of these issues. Within these confines the whole prospects are to move beyond the dogmas that can be seen/interpreted in religious texts to better comprehend our environments and of course the nature of humankind in relation to its fears, beliefs and hopes.
Anonymous says
Aren’t you Mr. Clever Clogs.
Smug, self-satisfaction writ large.