Last October, American cable and broadcast stations saturated the airways with reports, in titillating detail, on allegations that black players from the Minnesota Vikings football team had engaged in entirely consensual orgies during a party-boat excursion – albeit in full view of other leering boaters. It begs notice, therefore, that these stations have given scant coverage to the even more sensational (and criminal) allegations that white players from the Duke University lacrosse team actually raped a (black) woman during an on-campus frat party two weeks ago.
Some erstwhile intelligent and responsible people have argued that the reason for this discriminatory coverage has everything to do with national interest in big-time professional sports (football) versus only parochial interest in this obscure ivy-league game (lacrosse), which barely qualifies as an intramural sport. And, that may be. But I submit that the real reason has far more to do with pandering to racial stereotypes than going with the story that has more objective news value. Moreover, this story is about rape; not sports. And no one can deny that a bunch of rich white university students gang-raping a black woman – in the kind of “wilding” frenzy the media has associated with poor black high-school dropouts – is far more newsworthy than a bunch of black athletes being portrayed, yet again, as hyper-sexed exhibitionists.
Nonetheless, here’s the alleged victim’s version of what happened:
She’s a student at North Carolina Central University who works as an exotic dancer to help pay her tuition. On 14 March, she and another dancer were hired to perform at (what they thought was) a small bachelor party at a house on the cloistered-campus of Duke University, which, incidentally, is located in the mostly black city of Durham, North Carolina. When they arrived, however, they were greeted by dozens of preppy-looking men (most notably, 46 members of the lacrosse team) behaving like drunken rednecks and demanding to be entertained. When the women balked, they were verbally assaulted with racial and misogynistic slurs that would have made antebellum southerners proud. But the women managed to escape and made it to their car relatively unscathed. They were lured back, however, after one of the host students apologized and assured them that the environment would not be so hostile if they agreed to perform. But as soon as they returned to the house, the NC Central student claims she was pulled into a bathroom, sexually assaulted and beaten.
Alas, I’m not at all surprised that these two-legged hyenas with dicks for brains are getting a relative pass from the media. Nor would I be surprised if they get away with rape. But one has to wonder what responsibility Duke University will assume for this crime, and what action they will take to reinforce their institutional integrity. Because it does not auger well that it took university president Richard H. Brodhead two weeks to issue a statement. And that when he finally did, it read more like a brief for the defense of the lacrosse team than a declaration of Duke’s intent to rid its student body of anyone even remotely associated with such a heinous crime.
Here’s what he said, in part, in his 26 March statement:
….The criminal allegations against three members of our men’s lacrosse team, if verified, will warrant very serious penalties. The facts are not yet established, however, and there are very different versions of the central events. No charges have been filed, and in our system of law, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Meanwhile, because these arrogant snots refused to cooperate with the investigation, it took police over a week to coerce DNA samples from them, which finally arrived at the lab for testing on Monday.
But I’m profoundly dismayed by what appears to be the university’s very pro forma reaction. After all, this gives aid and comfort to the perpetrators that their high-priced family lawyers will get them out of this mess – just as they probably have on other occasions. And, what does it suggest about consequences for bad behaviour when the Athletic director forfeits 2 games as an expression of official outrage over the players’ involvement in this rape and their deliberate obstruction of justice? (Especially since they have already taken back to the field and are playing games as if nothing happened…..) In this regard, Duke would do well to learn from Grinnell College, where in 2003, the rugby team was suspended for an entire season for merely failing to properly register its players.
More important, however, it behooves the university president to take a more principled stand. Because, where I agree that the public should wait for a trial to determine the guilt of these players, the undisputed facts of this case compel Duke to pass summary institutional judgment. Accordingly, it should dispense disciplinary punishment commensurate with the gravity of this case and which reflects the extent to which these students violated the university’s code of conduct. And, it will not do to limit blame in this case – as the university president seems inclined to do – to the “three members of our men’s lacrosse team”. Because all who were present are complicit in this crime for helping to create the hostile environment in which it was perpetrated (with their rebel yells of racial hatred and female degradation); And, their complicity has only been compounded by their refusal to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.
Therefore, merely forfeiting 2 games hardly suffices when the season should have been canceled and these players suspended immediately and indefinitely. All of which begs the questions: Where’s the discipline? Where’s the media coverage? Where’s the public outrage?
NOTE: Duke has 12,000 students. Yet, despite the aggressive efforts of some on campus to stir moral outrage, only about 100 of them have participated in rallies protesting this gang-bang rape and the refusal of the players to cooperate with the investigation. Shame on Duke!
I encourage you to express your outrage to the university president:
UPDATE (8:40 am): It seems Duke University has gotten part of the message at least because AP reports that its president has now overruled the Athletic director’s insulting 2-game suspension by supending “the school’s highly-ranked lacrosse team from play until school administrators learn more about allegations that several team members raped an exotic dancer at an off-campus party.” No shit! Now, how about those suspensions from school….
Duke University, lacrosse team, rape
Rachel says
I’m an ivy-league alum and I’m embarrassed by the obvious attempt to cover up this crime. But that’s what administrations at these schools do. I’m sure the parents of many of the kids involved are big donors. I don’t understand why more students at Duke aren’t demanding the school suspend those players or why so few students are participating in protest rallies. It really is shameful.
Anonymous says
Great title ALH
Jennifer James says
Thanks for the coverage of this story and for telling it like it is! This story has yet to reach real national proportions, but I have a feeling Rev. Sharpton or Jesse Jackson will be down here soon. It’s just that serious. The state NAACP is on the case, but I think this rape deserves much more attention. What happened here is truly outrageous especially with all of the racial tension and even numerous cross burnings in Durham over the past year.
Michelle says
Hi Anthony
As usual your commentary provokes and informs on so many levels. It’s really amazing how you can tap into so many tensions where most people just see one: white – black; rich – poor; cloistered campus – city life; black atheletes – white atheletes; football – lacrosse; media bias; cover-up to protect endowment from parents; and so on.
I love the way you think. I hope Duke gets the message.
BTW: That really is a great title!
Kathy says
this is a really fascinating article. if that’s the right word. but i’m so inspired to protest against duke. those bastards. we can’t let them get away this.
Karen (London) says
You’ve also inspired me ALH! I hadn’t heard about this (surprise) but after reading your article, Duke’s president Bonehead (?) will definitely be hearing from me!
Ric says
I have to stick up for the men here and let these women know that we are just as disgusted with these scumbag lacrosse players. Your articles are always so deep. I hope people get your point about how the media treats these cases.
I’ll be email that president Bonehead too. Thanks Karen. I might just make that deliberate mistake when I ask why he had to be forced to do the right thing here.
Billy says
I think describing what these whites boys did as wilding is really good because the media wants us to think that only blacks behave like this. I know they think money will get them out of this but you guys need to march on down here to make sure that don’t happen.
I really like your blog. Great stuff.
Anonymous says
c’mon people. i can’t be the only one who thinks these bitches are making this shit up to score some easy cash. it’s the oldest trick in the book. you know the law suits coming. or maybe they’s shake down these rich white suckers to fork over cash instead of face trial. matter of fact i bet this never goes to trial
Christopher King says
Okay asshole, let’s see if the “bitches” made it up or not. You’re saying it was a gang-bang movie gone awry, or what?
That’s the only way they get naked with that many men, and frankly I think you are out of your mind. Where’s the cameras? Where’s the producer? Where’s the money?
Let’s have the NAACP investigate instead of standing on the sidelines as they did with me when corporate America raped me and a bunch of other employees at American Tower Corporation.
As a former reporter for a weekly and a daily, I’m also disgusted with the veil of secrecy.
No Justice, No Peace.
Anonymous says
I don’t think suspending the Lacrosse team goes near far enough. The entire athletic department should be shut down until this case is resolved.
We’d be naive to think this is only a problem on the Lacrosse team. All Duke student athletes should be suspended from their teams until this case is resolved. The Duke administration needs to dedicate itself to solving this crime.
Anonymous says
Rape shields were created in the 1970s to protect the alleged “victim” from having her reputation ruined by baseless assumptions, unfair judgments, public humiliation, and character assassinations, but any of this could describe what’s happening to every member of the lacrosse team.
Irresponsible “special interest groups” have held protests everyday holding the name and pictures of anyone on the lacrosse team, to having their pictures and hate slogans pasted all over school. The actions of these groups against these men are nothing short of harassment and unfair character assassination.
Media hungry District Attorney Mike Nifong stated he is positive a rape has occurred, but he isn’t sure if it’s by the members of the lacrosse team, yet he obtained an order to get DNA samples from only the members of the team, then he stated on a national news program that the lacrosse team has a “rowdy” reputation on campus – obviously playing up to sexist stereotyping of jocks to further play his case for the media. As Nifong continues to publicly massacre the characters out his case for public consumption, he claims that the team is “stonewalling the investigation” because they claim not to have any knowledge of what transpired, but is Nifong now believing the men to be telling the truth as he recently changed his tune stating that even if the DNA evidence clears these boys that he’ll have other evidence.
Opportunistic political groups have descended on Duke’s campus using unscrupulous methods to get media attention at the expense of innocent young men who happen to be on the lacrosse team. Young men who were too recently, only boys not yet ready to handle this ugly side of the world. In today’s climate, we need the rape shield laws extended to protect all the innocent, including those who just happen to get in the way of media hungry district attorneys and opportunistic political groups.
Nice guy says
Every college man should take notice of what’s happening at Duke University because it could easily happen to us!
Forty seven members of the lacrosse team know how it feels to be accused and publicly chastised just for being part of a team. The members of the lacrosse team renting the house voluntarily submitted DNA during the initial police investigation, some of the players weren’t even at the party, the party was throughout the entire house and yard, and only three are suspected in the assault occurring inside a bathroom, so it’s very possible that the team is telling the truth that they have no knowledge of the incident, yet the D.A. claims the team is “stonewalling” when it’s more than likely that they really don’t know.
Rape is a horrible crime against a person, usually a woman, but false accusations of rape is an equally horrible crime against a man (in this case – 46 men). Both can potentially destroy a person and test the endurance of anyone’s character. The problem is while the “accusers” identity is protected, the “accused” identity is fodder for the press. While the “accuser” receives immediate empathy and medical attention, counseling, “activism”, and free legal advice, the “accused” gets to cash in his scholarship in exchange for legal fees.
We live in a society that immediately assumes anyone accused of rape as guilty, even if he’s later found innocent. After such an incident, his reputation may never recover. Laws written in states throughout the nation refer to the “accuser” as “the victim” and the “accused” as simply the “accused.” This presumed guilt is carried out in the media where the accused reputation is publicly destroyed.
I believe that all 47 members of the lacrosse team will be found innocent via DNA testing, but during “Sexual Assault Prevention Week” we’re going to be subjected to a lot of “unbalanced” rape education, so I would like to balance the education with some facts, for I believe that even with the DNA testing exonerating the team, some people and groups will continue to target the team without any attempt, if possible, to apologize or restitution.
• According to the FBI, one of every 12 claims of rape filed in the United States are later deemed “unfounded,” meaning the case was closed because the alleged victim recanted or because investigators found no evidence of a crime.
• In Maryland, Howard County Police classified one out of every four rape allegations as unfounded in 1990-91.
• Citing a recent USA Today article, discussing the miracle of DNA and FBI studies of sexual assault suspects, DNA testing exonerated about 30-35 percent of the more than 4,000 sexual assault suspects on whom the FBI had conducted DNA testing over the past three years.
• According to Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin, in over 40 percent of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred (Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994).
• In 1985, the Air Force conducted a study of 556 rape accusations. Over 25 percent of the accusers admitted, either just before they took a lie detector test or after they had failed it, that no rape occurred.
• In 1996, the Department of Justice reported that of the roughly 10,000 sexual assault cases analyzed with DNA evidence over the previous seven years, 2,000 excluded the primary suspect, and another 2,000 were inconclusive.
• Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Unit and is the author of Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape, says, “there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about 50 percent simply did not happen.”
• Craig Silverman, a former Colorado prosecutor known for his zealous prosecution of rapists during his 16-year career, says that false rape accusations occur with “scary frequency.” Silverman noted that “any honest veteran sex assault investigator will tell you that rape is one of the most falsely reported crimes.” According to Silverman, a Denver sex-assault unit commander estimates that nearly 50 percent of all reported rape claims are false.
I applaud Duke University for not joining the reckless mob blindly attacking members of the lacrosse team, and for showing concern for the student athletes caught in the middle of this media storm. As for every man on our campus, be very aware that this could have easily happen to you, and while there is widespread empathy for the alleged victim, there is little if any concern for how these reckless accusations and blind attacks harm every the poor guys caught in the middle of a mob and justice.
An objective opinion says
Every college man should take notice of what’s happening at Duke University because it could easily happen to any one of us!
Earlier this month a 27 year old intoxicated exotic dancer claimed that three members of the lacrosse team raped her in enclosed bathroom; at the time of the initial investigation, three members of the house voluntarily gave DNA samples to police and although the district attorney states the assault could have been committed by someone else, he obtained an order to get DNA samples from 46 of the 47 member team, essentially accusing all of them as rapist.
Although the party extended throughout the house and yard, and the assault occurred inside an enclosed bathroom by only three men who may or may not have been on the lacrosse team, it’s very possible that the 47 members of the team has no knowledge of the assault, yet the DA publicly claims the team is “stonewalling” when it’s more than likely that they really don’t have any information, but just the public accusation that the team is bonding together to hide a crime has led to public condemnation of everyone on the team.
Irresponsible “special interest groups” have held protests everyday holding the name and pictures of everyone on the lacrosse team, their pictures with hate slogans pasted all over school, and websites all over the internet who has already convicted the team. The actions of these groups against are nothing short of harassment and unfair character assassination.
The Duke Student Government should be applauded for the way they are handling the Sexual Assault and Other Acts of Violent Misconduct.
Although many members of Duke and Durham want harsher punishment enforced upon all lacrosse players whether innocent or not, whether having knowledge of the incident or not, but why stop there? There could have been other students, both male and female, at that party, and District Attorney Mike Nifong stated that it could have been guys not on the lacrosse team, so why not extend any punishment to the entire campus? Guilt or innocence seem not to be an issue, and many people are taking a loud stand to bulldoze over any innocent person to get to the persons involved, so why are we only limiting this belief to the men’s lacrosse team?
The Student Government is aware that they cannot be as reckless in their behavior as “political activist groups”. The DSG is responsible for making policies that would affect the entire student body for years to come, and it shouldn’t base these policies on one case, especially not in the middle of an investigation where no charges have been filed, and the DSG should definitely not interject itself as judge and prosecutor against and entire group of people just because it may be possible that one or a few are accused.
There is a reason why in this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty, and it’s because of people like those recklessly accusing that the entire lacrosse team is guilty because of a single complaint against a few who may not even be on the team. The DSG should be applauded for rising above the chaos and hate-messages by those too eager to condemn and convict without regards to guilt or innocence.
If they don't know, they don't know! says
It’s only going to get worse
Regarding 3/31/06’s “Captains’ Lawyer Speak Out” Finally someone speaks for the innocent men caught up in this media storm. It’s outrageous that some people feel entitled with empowerment to condemn, slander, and harass an entire group of men for the alleged actions of a very few. People are wondering why no one from the lacrosse team is coming forward with information regarding the alleged assault of a drunk stripper. Ignoring the fact that the alleged assault happened inside an enclosed bathroom, and most members of the team were not even present, it’s very possible that no one, except those involved, has any knowledge of the incident.
In today’s climate where male-bashing is widely accepted and women are empowered with the privileges of “victim-hood” to slander and harass, all decent men and women should take notice.
District Attorney Mike Nifong threatens to charge teammates who didn’t commit or observe the alleged assault with aiding and abetting because they don’t possess the information he needs. This suggests that this case isn’t as strong as he publicly campaigns, which means it’s only going to get messier as school officials and lacrosse teammates remain the only ones who continue to behave responsibly in letting the legal process unfold. Meanwhile District Attorney Mike Nifong plays his case before the public media even before any charges are filed, so when these young men are found to be innocent, they would still be thought to be guilty under some myth of “white male entitlement”.
Not meaning to minimize indignities suffered by any alleged victim, the corralling of 46 members of the lacrosse team was equally indignant and a testament to lazy police work. Only three men are suspected, and most members weren’t even present, but despicable people inside and outside of the police department indiscriminately accuse all 47 members as being rapists just for being on a sports team.
Being accused of a sex offense stains a man’s reputation indefinitely and the tactics used by the police and DA to squeeze information out of over forty young men, who most likely possess no knowledge of the incident, has left these men condemned to be slandered and harassed throughout campus because “special interest groups,” exploiting recent events to promote their agenda on gender issues, race, and socio-economic status, blindly attack anyone while doing nothing to protect the innocent. To these groups, all members of the lacrosse team are guilty, not because they’re members of the team, but because they’re mostly white men.
Everyone witnessing the reckless massacre of these young men’s reputations based solely on one accusation at the encouragement of “special interest groups”, who thrive in this environment, should change their perspective. What if you were on a sports team, and just by being a member of the team, you were subjected to the same character assassination, slander, harassment, and humiliation by these “special interest groups” who care nothing of innocence or guilt, and only use the anguish of the victim to promote their political agendas.
Anonymous says
To rachel and her cohort of hang ’em first ask questions later cronies. As an ‘ivy-league alum’ I would almost expect you to perhaps entertain the POSSIBILITY that the charges are unfounded. I have trouble believing you somehow know that these charges are factual – or do you just believe in your right to condemn these men to make a point out of your over-privileged kids suck agenda? I’d also like to ask all the people so very outraged about the lack of outrage to perhaps turn on the news. This story IS nationwide, and has been blogged, spun, and reprinted relentlessly. And furthermore to the “why would she lie?” crowd.
Former Collegiate Athlete says
As a former Division I lacrosse player, my coach frequently warned players not to put themselves in compromising situations with members of the opposite sex. He said this for reasons such as what is happening in Durham–all of the players are considered guilty until proven innocent.
This article unfortunately shows the author’s disdain and racism against caucasion individuals, especially if they have an affluent upbringing. I wonder (now that there is no DNA evidence) if it turns out that the players are innocent, will the author try as hard to clear the names of the players he may have slandered. I guessing not, but I bet it sure felt good to him to write some good old fashioned yellow journalism.
Anonymous says
To the author of this bullshit:
you are a fucking racist asshat
Anonymous says
Look. People are not being serious about this whole case. The racial tension speaks for itself. A poor black woman being raped by a few rich white men is nothing new and clearly still not a very big deal. In addition to this, very little about this case is unusual. If you are not familiar with the attitudes and culture of high-class collegiate athletic teams I will lay it out for you.
I’m a recently graduated, black, Ivy-League football guy. None of this is new. Collegiate athletic teams provide alcohol to minors and finance stripping parties for teammates all the time. Young, ignorant, wealthy self-centered males get drunk all the time and act like bigots. Nigger is ofter thrown around. Slut and Bitch is very common. If you need a better idea, just take a trip to a hardcore porn site.
Kids stay out of trouble only because their parents can pay to make things all better. But look how the overheard comments and email comments reveal the attitudes of these guys. It just goes to show what too much money, too little attention and Prep School will do to a kid.
The truth of the matter, most of the Lacrosse players are prolly decent guys, but there are a few bad apples. A couple of rich punks who like to feel powerful so when they get a belly full of courage they like to demean other people. They like it because it makes them feel more manly. Truth be told, if you take away the Abercrombie daddy’s money and make these pricks own their words, they won’t say to a healthy black man what they said to the strippers or in the email. I’d like to see the guy who made the cotton comment. You know he thinks that it is funny.
Anonymous says
Interesting, since almost one month nobody is posting anything about this ‘rape-case’.
More investigations are necessary and when we talk about rape, we have to talk about false rape allegations as well.
While rape is a crime, a false rape allegation is also a crime.
Should these ‘rapists’ be innocent, I hope this woman will face criminal charges and will be punished for filing this wrong police report.
False rape allegations are very frequently – a considerable number of accusations are turning out as a product of pure fantasy.
100s of men in the US were released from prison after found innocent. They spent decades in prison for crimes, which never took place.