The counts include charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and misconduct in office. And they all stem from the lies Kilpatrick and Beatty told under oath about their sexual relationship and about their role in the firing of (internal affairs) police officers who dared to investigate their abuse of city funds to conduct their illicit affair.
Our investigation has clearly shown that public dollars were used, people’s lives were ruined, the justice system severely mocked and the public trust trampled on…. This case was about as far from being a private matter as one can get.
Just when did honesty and integrity, truth and honor become traits to be mocked, downplayed, ignored, laughed at or excuses made for them? When did telling the truth become a supporting player to everything else?
[Prosecutor Kym Worthy]
You got that right Ms. Worthy; I couldn’t agree more.
According to the Detroit Free Press, Kilpatrick and Beatty used city-issued pagers to exchange thousands of salacious text messages during their 2-year affair. And all of this occurred while they were both still “happily married” to unsuspecting spouses.
And, as is invariably the case with political crimes, their efforts to cover up these messages account for the most serious charges they face. Specifically, they’re being charged for using city attorneys to prevent the Free Press and other news organizations from publishing them, as well as using city funds to pay millions in hush money to keep the mayor’s relationship with Beatty (and other women) secret.
But here, for the record, is a little of their pillow talk that has become fodder for public amusement:
Kilpatrick (Oct. 3, 2002): I’m madly in love with you.
Beatty: I hope you feel that way for a long time. In case you haven’t noticed, I am madly in love with you, too!
Kilpatrick (Oct. 16, 2002) I’ve been dreaming all day about having you all to myself for 3 days. Relaxing, laughing, talking, sleeping and making love.
Beatty (April 8, 2003): And, did you miss me, sexually?
Kilpatrick: Hell yeah! You couldn’t tell. I want some more.
Meanwhile, even though Beatty had the decency to resign (and her husband had the good sense to kick her to the curb) as soon as their text messages became public, Kilpatrick has defied near universal calls (including a 7-1 vote of the City Council) for him to resign.
I am deeply disappointed in the prosecutor’s decision…. I look forward to complete exoneration once all the facts have been brought forth… I will remain focused on moving this city forward.
[Mayor Kilpatrick]
In fact, he seems to be hoping against hope that an O.J. jury will acquit him of these felony charges that could send him to prison for decades. No doubt this is why he has taken every opportunity in recent weeks to cast himself as the victim of a judicial system designed to keep black men like him down. (And yes, his long-suffering wife is standing by her no-good man….)
Never mind that 99% of the people calling for his head on a platter are black. And, moreover, that the system in this case is personified by none other than Kym Worthy – a very capable prosecutor who just happens to be black. Not to mention the irony that, despite all of the black lawyers at his disposal, Kilpatrick has retained a “good ol’ white boy” to try to save his ass….
At any rate, I support this prosecution of Kwame Kilpatrick for the same reason I supported the prosecution of Bill Clinton, and it has nothing to do with them cheating on their enabling wives. Rather, it’s because these two pusillanimous dickheads not only lied under oath about their extramarital affairs but also used government resources to conduct and conceal them.
Meanwhile, Kilpatrick is in for a rude awakening if he thinks a jury will vindicate his sex, lies, and text messages. Because nothing demonstrates terminal disaffection and disillusionment with his “hip-hop” leadership quite like the fact that his erstwhile supporters are already mounting a recall petition to vote him out of office.
Therefore, here’s to the end of his political career. And it’s even odds on whether a jury of his peers or a jury of Detroit voters will be the first to seal his fate….
Related Articles:
Spitzer’s call-girl scandal
Bio of Kilpatrick’s scandal-plagued political career
Kwame Kilpatrick
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