Ordinarily, I have as much interest in watching the Grammys as I do in watching the Oscars. (Click here and here to see what I mean about the Oscars.) Because, even though I love all kinds of music and movies, I cannot abide the indulgent celebrity worship that attends these award shows and which defines the entertainment industry. (Why on earth is it Headline News that Brittany Spears was driving with her baby in her lap?) But since my friend Cindi turned me on to the classical talent and unpretentious style of John Legend about a year ago, I’ve considered him the antidote for the cancer of lip-synching dingbats and bling-bling rapping thugs now metastasizing throughout the industry as entertainers. Indeed, it’s a wonder that Paris Hilton and William Hung weren’t nominated for multiple awards….
Therefore, I tuned in primarily to see Legend win the coveted awards he so richly deserves. And, I’m happy to report that the members of the Academy validated my prescription by awarding him 3 Grammys (including best male R&B vocalist and best newcomer). Also, kudos to Grammy producers for opening John’s performance of his smash hit Ordinary People in classic black and white….Great touch!
As for the trivial stuff:What else can one say about Madonna: the Catholic material girl reincarnated right before our eyes as a Kabbalah-worshipping schoolmarm named Esther – who, incidentally, looked like a real-life Wisteria Lane (Desperate Housewives) dominatrix on stage last night. She may only win sentimental music awards from now on, but Madonna was hot! (And she sounded pretty good too.)
Bono and U2 are not only the greatest ambassadors the music industry has ever produced but they also happen to be the best rock band…ever!
And, they only added to their legend by winning 5 Grammys: including rock album of the year (over geriatric rockers – the Rolling Stones and former Beattle Sir Paul McCartney, as well as the young rebels of Cold Play) and the big enchalada – album of the year!
Apropos my cynicism about celebrity worship, let me hasten to note that at least Bono uses his for doing more than sowing what remains of his wild oats amongst rock groupies and dime-a-dozen supermodels.
Frankly, as bored as I am with Mariah Carey’s diva antics, I thought she was far more deserving than uber-diva Madonna of top billing to open the show. And, after she brought down the house with her performance midway through the telecast, I’m sure the producers were kicking themselves for not going with Mariah.
Although, I can’t imagine it did much for Mariah’s notoriously fragile ego that she not only lost top billing to Madonna but also lost the first award of the show to cherubic upstart (American Idol) Kelly Clarkson. Poor Mariah…But she showed what a real pro she is by calming her nerves to perform so magnificently!
I respect Kanye West more for recognizing John Legend’s genius and producing his award-winning debut album than for his own musical talents. Nonetheless, this guy resonates in pop culture in ways that are utterly incomprehensible to me. And anyone who knows anything about contemporary music knows that his fans cross over all music-buying demographics.
Indeed, it’s probably this universal popularity that possessed Kanye to pose as Jesus for a recent cover of Rolling Stone magazine. But, whatever his following and no matter his messianic complex, Kanye has made an indelible mark on the music industry that is worthy of note. And, I have no doubt that – as Bono offered by way of consolation last night – he will eventually win that elusive album of the year award he covets so much….
Note: Props to Jamie Foxx and Kanye for paying homage to the battle of the bands and pledge dances that are truly unique and entertaining features at historically black colleges in America. But my award for best performance of the night goes to the holographic band Gorillaz – who upstaged Madonna during her opening number and out-performed every other act that followed!
Click here for a full rap on the Awards.
Grammy Awards, Bono and U2, John Legend, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Kanye West
Anonymous says
Gimme a break! Kanye was robbed! Mariah was robbed!
Rebecca says
It was great that Mariah lost to Kelly twice. She’s just too full of herself. I thought Gorrillaz was cool too.