The video of the Dalai Lama asking a boy to suck his tongue went viral last week. And there’s no unseeing it. It’s like, for a child, there’s no unseeing their parents having sex. Ewww!
Frankly, it’s so perverted that publishing this video smacks of propagating child porn.
The Dalai Lama apologizes
Don’t get me started on his non-apology apology. Because the only thing the Dalai Lama is sorry about is our perverted minds. He thinks the shame is on us. That’s for not seeing the enlightened fun inherent in his expression of man-boy love.
At least pedophile priests have had the moral constraint to hide their crimes and keep the focus on their message. The Dalai Lama himself is a migrant, for Christ’s sake. He’s been living in India for decades. Yet…
The Chinese have bullied and blackballed him mercilessly. But that might be because they’ve always known far more about his perversions than the rest of us.
Dalai Lama says Europe belongs to the Europeans
Of course, the exiled Dalai Lama is to religion what the imprisoned Nelson Mandela was to politics. And I was in the vanguard of those championing his Tibetan cause. That moved me to ask readers to save a little Mandela praise for the Dalai Lama. I even rebuked the pope for refusing to meet with him.
But Mandela never disappointed or disillusioned me. The Dalai Lama did.
What he did makes asking a boy to suck his tongue seem as innocent as his PR people would have us believe. He condemned African migration to Europe by intoning “Europe belongs to the Europeans.” Enough said?