On guard, Yemen President Trump took time out from yet another golfing weekend at Mar-a-Lago to announce military strikes against Yemen on his social media platform. U.S. forces launched a ‘decisive and powerful’ attack on Houthi militants in Yemen, President Donald Trump said Saturday, an escalation against the group targeting maritime traffic and American troops… Read more.
Yemen Falls Apart … Too
Yemen’s embattled president was pushed deeper into crisis Wednesday after fleeing a last-ditch refuge as advancing Shiite rebels seized a key air base to add another prize to their expanding territory. The whereabouts of Western-allied President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was not immediately clear. But any further disintegration of Hadi’s power would tip Yemen closer… Read more.
Americans Ordered to Evacuate Yemen…
[NOTE: Yesterday the United States ordered the evacuation of embassy personnel in Yemen and urged all Americans living there to leave. Never mind that, just as it insists on referring to the coup in Egypt as something Orwellian like an army-assisted move to re-try democracy, the Obama Administration is referring to this evacuation as a… Read more.
Terror Alert: al-Qaeda Planning Attacks! (Duh…)
U.S. politicians and security analysts have been all over TV in recent days warning about “specific, credible and imminent attacks” al-Qaeda operatives are planning to launch against U.S. interests … worldwide. Which compels one to wonder how this warning would have been designated according to the government’s ill-fated, soon-discarded color-coded threat level advisory system…. But… Read more.
The War in Libya and the War Powers Act
The War Powers Act The War Powers Act of 1973 requires US presidents to get congressional consent before committing the military to armed conflict. But almost every president since WWII has ignored this Act. Under the Act, the President can only send combat troops into battle or into areas where ‘imminent’ hostilities are likely, for… Read more.
Revolutionary Protests Spread Across the Middle East
Arab leaders across the Middle East, including North Africa, are scrambling to prevent the revolutionary contagion that toppled President Ben Ali of Tunisia and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt from infecting their country. Their actions range from the king of Bahrain pleading for calm while warning of an imminent Tiananmen Square-style crackdown to the president of Yemen… Read more.
(UPDATE) Obama: We screwed up … the buck stops with me!
President Obama met on Tuesday with his Cabinet and national security team to discuss the intelligence failures that led to the near catastrophic terrorist attack on Christmas Day. But it was clear from the press statement he delivered after that meeting that he can offer no explanation for the slew of “red flags” telegraphing this… Read more.