The US military: from desegregation to whitewashing The Pentagon’s so-called DEI purge isn’t just an attack on diversity. Above all, it’s a historic rollback of racial progress in an institution that once led the desegregation of America. Recall that the Pentagon integrated the military pursuant to an executive order President Truman signed on July 26,… Read more.
white supremacy
Trump Wanted His Roy Cohn. In Emil Bove and Stephen Miller, He Has Two.
Aides reportedly blocked Trump’s unethical and illegal orders in his first term. According to The New York Times, this frustrated him so much that he exclaimed, “Where’s my Roy Cohn?” That’s because he wanted a top aide who would bend or break laws to enforce his venal, vindictive, racist agenda. Now he has Emil Bove… Read more.
MAGA Corporate Values: Andreessen Horowitz Hires Vigilante Daniel Penny
Corporations have lost their soul In corporate America, virtue signaling has morphed into a cult-like ritual. But in their zeal to prove loyalty, corporations now take more pride in hiring far-right MAGA celebrities than they ever did in hiring minorities under DEI policies. Only that explains Andreessen Horowitz hiring Daniel Penny. It is one of… Read more.
For White Supremacists, DEI Is the New CRT
DEI, the new CRT Not long ago, Whites scurried across the country like Chicken Littles. They warned that Critical Race Theory (CRT) was a greater anathema to high-school education than slavery to democratic values.” I duly decried their racist hypocrisy in commentaries like “Maddening Critical Race Theory Turning Suburban Moms into Jan 6-Style Insurrectionists” on February 12, 2022,… Read more.
Florida Bans Teaching Psychology
Florida superintendents have been advised by the state to drop their Advanced Placement Psychology classes unless they exclude any topics related to gender or sexuality, according to The College Board, which oversees the AP program. (USA Today, August 3, 2023) I reiterate my clarion call for all major colleges outside Florida to declare that they will not… Read more.
Buffalo Mass Shooting Shows a Nation Divided Against Itself
Podcast Episode 77 We always express thoughts and prayers for those affected by these shootings. And some of us really mean it. But, mass shootings in America have become so commonplace, the most noteworthy thing about this one might be that it interrupted the media’s saturation coverage of the war in Ukraine. And yes, I… Listen.
White Supremacy: The Tragedy and Folly of Charlottesville
A protest against government removal of a Confederate statue in Charlottesville on Saturday turned violent. The white supremacist protesters clashed with counterprotesters, leading the governor to declare a state of emergency before the rally even started. A woman died and multiple were injured after a car plowed into counterprotesters. (The Hill, August 13, 2017) Frankly, reaction… Read more.