I have listened to enough State of the Union Addresses to know that they invariably amount to a triumph of style over substance. And nothing demonstrates this quite like the most memorable thing about President Obama’s address last year being not something he said, but a congressman yelling, ‘You lie.’ (“2011 State of the Union Address,” The… Read more.
war on terrorism
What Now is the Best Way to Fight the War on Terrorism?
The killing of Osama bin Laden has policy makers in the United States finally debating in earnest about what is the best way to fight the war on terrorism. And, in a similar vein, they are wondering whether this pivotal development provides an expedient pretext for President Obama to accelerate the timetable he has laid… Read more.
France Declares Its Own War on Terrorism
It is no exaggeration to assert that throughout much of the Cold War, France seemed almost as determined as the Soviet Union was to keep America’s military power in check. This is why it came as such a surprise when France enlisted in President George W. Bush’s coalition of the willing to invade Afghanistan to… Read more.
Obama: we screwed up
President Obama met yesterday with his Cabinet and national security team to discuss the intelligence failures that led to the near catastrophic terrorist attack on Christmas day. But it was clear from the press statement he delivered afterwards that his meeting produced no explanation for the slew of red flags about this attack that all… Read more.