Last night, Jane Fonda showed why she remains the most endearing and enduring figure in both entertainment and politics. The occasion? The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. Receiving a Life Achievement Award was testament enough. But it was the rousing speech the 87-year-old icon delivered that stole the show. Empathy is not weak —… Read more.
Sen. Kennedy Turns Presser on New Orleans Terrorist Attack into MAGA Spectacle
Senator Kennedy: Theatrics trumps service Louisiana Senator John Kennedy cares more about entertaining MAGA Republicans with one-liners than serving his constituents. His disgraceful performance at yesterday’s press conference following the New Orleans terrorist attack proves it. While most public officials focused on the tragic loss of 15 lives, Kennedy seized the mic and ranted like… Read more.
Christian Resistance Rising to Recapture Religion from MAGA Cult
Evangelical leaders sold their souls to Trump in 2016, making Faustian bargains for political power. Under their apostate leadership, Christian nationalism has gone from fringe to mainstream, and is now a potent force threatening American democracy. The infamous Project 2025 is their blueprint for transforming America into a theocratic dystopia. Gone are the core tenets… Read more.
Trumpism at the Supreme Court Makes Justice Sotomayor Cry
Trumpism rules conservative justices Justice Sonia Sotomayor says she often cries over how conservative justices are trashing the Constitution. But their willful delay in ruling on Trump’s frivolous immunity claim is enough to make any patriotic American cry. Of course, there should be no crying at the Supreme Court. After all, its proceedings are as… Read more.
Civil War II Between Red States and Blue States: The Fighting Has Already Begun
Civil War II America is marching into Civil War II – eyes wide shut. Indeed, few seem to care. I have written many commentaries in this regard. And the titles alone seemed alarming enough – as these three attest: “Civil War II Looms Larger as Texas Suppresses Voting Rights and Bans Abortions” on September 2, 2021. “Jan 6,… Read more.
Proof In Trump Republicans Trust – Like Israelites Trusted Golden Calf
In Trump Republicans trust Trump voters are more likely to believe the former president is telling them the truth than their friends and family or religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll. (Axios, August 21, 2023) That, of course, is the very definition of cult worship. After all, nobody in their right mind is… Read more.
J6 Insurrectionists Lost this Battle, but They’re Winning the War…
The media covered the 2016 US presidential election as if it were little more than a challenge on Donald Trump’s reality TV show, The Apprentice. This, because they realized from the moment Trump descended the escalators in his gilded tower to announce his campaign that, when it comes to their bottom line, covering politics as… Read more.
McCarthyism and Trumpism Show That Republicans Are Just Suckers for Demagogues
Related commentaries: Trumpism… Trumpism II… Read more.
Covid-19 ‘Power Grabs’ Are Playing Out Just as I Feared … and Warned
When Covid-19 began spreading, democratic countries began granting their leaders authoritarian powers to fight it. But I’ve been sounding the alarm about those powers from the outset. Here, for example, is what I wrote in “Coronavirus: The Worldwide Lockdown” on March 14: __________ Governments from the Americas to Asia are declaring states of emergency. This… Read more.
Pope Hears Echoes of Hitler in Trump. I See Traces of Hitler in Putin.
Leaders around the world are aping Donald Trump’s dystopian presidency. For example: Democratic leaders in Hungary, Poland, and Italy are adapting his neo-nationalist policies while others in the Philippines, Brazil, and India are parroting his demagogic and divisive rhetoric. Dictatorial leaders everywhere are chanting his “fake news” mantra – not only to discredit any reporting… Read more.