Justice Alito Cracks a Racist Joke You do see a lot of Black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits, right?’ Alito then joked. ‘All the time.’ — The Recount (@therecount) December 5, 2022 Frankly, there are too many things wrong with this joke to list. But, notably, Justice Samuel Alito told it during oral arguments at the… Read more.
same-sex marriage
The Supreme Court and Clarence Thomas
Podcast Episode 82 Much is being made about how the Republican Party has become little more than a political cult dedicated to Donald J. Trump. But the Supreme Court is rivaling that party in this respect. And fears abound that it will take another civil war to save America from their dystopian devices. Listen.
Justice Thomas Would Ban Same-Sex Marriage, Contraceptives, Even His Own Interracial Marriage…
Justice Clarence Thomas upstaged his conservative colleagues on the Supreme Court with his concurring opinion when they overruled Roe v. Wade (1973) last month. They defied common sense to argue that the rationale they were using to do so only applied to abortion. Read more.
Supreme Court: First they Came for Voting, then Abortion…
Conservatives on the US Supreme Court have the whole world fretting today about what they’re up to. Because, frankly, they seem hell-bent on turning America into a Taliban-style paradise … or Gilead. They insist their job is just to apply their interpretation of what the Founding Fathers originally intended when they wrote the Constitution to… Read more.
Francis Shows Papal Fallibility on Homosexuality
Pope Francis ended his historic ten-day visit to America on September 27. Just days later, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis began testifying about how he had invited her for a private audience and blessed her grandstanding defense of traditional marriage. No doubt you recall the media spectacle Davis created last month, when she “martyred” herself by… Read more.
Holy Matrimony! Catholic Ireland Becomes Trailblazer for Gay Rights
This might seem a surreal joke, but Ireland has become the first nation in the world to legalize gay marriage in a national referendum. Ireland’s citizens have voted in a landslide to legalize gay marriage, electoral officials announced Saturday — a stunningly lopsided result that illustrates what Catholic leaders and rights activists alike called a… Read more.
Same-Sex Marriage Now Legal in New Jersey!
I believe it is a self-evident truth that not allowing gays to marry is an even greater violation of the fundamental civil rights all citizens should enjoy than not allowing Blacks to vote. (“Same-Sex Marriage Now Legal in New York,” The iPINIONS Journal, June 27, 2011) Yesterday New Jersey became the 14th state to allow… Read more.