Since last November, pundits have been commenting on the buildup of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border as if Russia were poised to mount the kind of blitzkrieg invasion of Ukraine that Germany mounted to invade Poland in 1939. To be fair, though, no less an authority than The Washington Post gave credence to their… Read more.
Crises at Poland-Belarus and Ukraine-Russia Borders Make One at US-Mexico Border Look like Picnic…
Just weeks ago, Europe was hurling moral indignation at the migrant crisis America allowed to unfold under a bridge near the US-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas. As it happened, I alluded to Russian mischief in the title to my commentary on that crisis, namely “Er, VP Harris, the Migrants Are Coming, the Migrants Are… Read more.
Podcast: Google and Apple Obey Putin’s Orders to Suppress Russian Votes
Episode 47: And May Obey His Orders to Suppress Our Votes Next… Related commentaries: Nicki Minaj… Sowing seeds… Listen.
America the Whale…
Remarkably, it seems rogue actors – from totalitarian states like North Korea to terrorist groups like the Taliban, drug cartels like the Sinaloas, and ransomware extortionists like Darkside – see the mighty United States the way parasites see big grey whales. Only this explains how it has become as normal for those actors to steal… Read more.
Rogue Nations like North Korea Don’t Need Trump Incapacitated to Attack US…
On Friday, White House doctors and advisers convinced President Trump that his bout of Covid-19 was so severe, he had to be helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center for intensive care. Trust me, this inflicted such a blow to his ego, they probably had to threaten to withhold his oxygen tubes to get him to… Read more.
Hapless America: US Intelligence Warns Russia or China Might Determine Outcome of US Election? WTF!
A defining feature of America in this age of Trump is the extent to which it has become an international laughingstock. Remarkably, nary a day goes by without his administration providing fodder for that stock. Only that abiding mockery of low expectations explains this head-scratching statement: The US intelligence community’s top election security official said… Read more.
In Russia, Protests Trickle Like Sand from Putin’s Iron Fists
Arguably, protests in Russia are like snowballs in Hell. This is why I’ve written so many commentaries over the years hailing democratic rebels with a lost cause. For example, I refer you to “Putinization: President Putin Reforming Russia in His Own Image,” March 25, 2005 “Vladimir Putin Sends Political Dissident Mikhail Khodorkovsky Off to the… Read more.
Oh Right, the World Cup: Vive la France!
In “Trump, May, Macron: Don’t Bomb Syria. Withdraw World Cup from Russia!,” April 11, 2018, I pledged to boycott this World Cup. I honored that pledge. But I cannot resist sharing the following about France’s 4-2 victory over Croatia’s in Sunday’s final match: Immigrants, sons of immigrants and grandsons of immigrants bonded together with scions… Read more.
Helsinki Summit: Trump Hails Russian Propaganda, Rejects American Intelligence
At a joint press conference today, President Trump doubled down on his belief in President Putin’s denial that Russia launched cyberattacks on the 2016 US presidential election. This, despite his own intelligence agencies, which includes the CIA, FBI, and NSA, saying Russia did, and the Mueller investigation indicting 12 Russian agents for orchestrating those cyberattacks.… Read more.
Trump, May, Macron, Don’t Bomb Syria. Ban Russia from Hosting World Cup!
Scoring macabre political points is the only goal Western powers can accomplish by bombing Syria. This is why I’ve been decrying it for years. In fact, when Western commentators hailed Russian President Vladimir Putin for joining this priapic orgy of bombing in 2015, I wailed in “Bombing ISIS Smacks of Masturbatory Violence,” November 18, 2015.… Read more.