Every year Western leaders mark D-Day by hailing The Greatest Generation of Americans, Britons, Frenchmen, and Canadians who “saved the world.” Except that they invariably overlook the role Russians played. This constitutes a historic oversight (or slight). Moreover, it is at the root of much of the resentment that has beset Russia’s relationship with the… Read more.
Russia and China Make Kindred Bedfellows
China signed a landmark deal Wednesday to buy Russian natural gas worth about $400 billion, giving a boost to diplomatically isolated President Vladimir Putin and expanding Moscow’s ties with Asia. (The Associated Press, May 21, 2014) I’ve been forthright in pointing out foreboding analogies between what Hitler did in Europe during the late 1930s and… Read more.
Russia Gobbling Up Ukraine: First Crimea, Now Donetsk … Next Odessa?
Pro-Moscow insurgents in eastern Ukraine declared independence Monday and sought to join Russia, undermining upcoming presidential elections, strengthening the Kremlin’s hand and putting pressure on Kiev to hold talks with the separatists following a referendum on self-rule. (Associated Press, May 12, 2014) While President Vladimir Putin gobbles up even more of Ukraine, Western leaders are… Read more.
A Ukraine Divided Is the Only Way It Will Stand
It hardly bodes well for national unity in Ukraine that the pro-Western parliament is now calling not only for closer ties with Europe but also for Yanukovych’s arrest on charges of mass murder. Indeed, bear in mind that the country was virtually split down the middle at the last election in 2010—with those in the West… Read more.
Europeans Appeasing Putin Is Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish
The title of this post says it all. What’s more, I’ve denounced this European appeasement in numerous commentaries. But I summarized my denunciation and presaged what this appeasement portends in “Checkmated on Crimea, Obama Plays for Rest of Ukraine” on March 7, 2014. Europeans appeasing Putin Now comes another case of European appeasement. Germany is refusing to join… Read more.
Ukraine’s China Syndrome
Reports are that Russia tried to no avail yesterday to get the UN Security Council to debate Ukraine’s complaint about Russian troops violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity behind closed doors. Conspicuously absent from these reports, however, was any reference to China being no less solicitous of avoiding open debate. This was brought into stark… Read more.
Prokhorov, Russian Owner of NBA Nets: ‘Majority of Russians think Snowden’s a traitor’
I disabled the comments feature on this weblog years ago when it became clear that most people were just using it as a message board to write snarky comments that had nothing to do with what I actually wrote. But this did not stop interested readers from using the CONTACT feature to send relatively informed… Read more.
I Said Putin Would Pardon Pussy Riot. I Was Wrong.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has been so lampooned for using staged heroics to boost his He-Man (Master-of-the-Universe) reputation that you’d think he would seize any opportunity to display a genuine human touch and, no less important, a self-deprecating sense of humor. An ideal opportunity presented itself in February 2012 when his thought police arrested three… Read more.
Russia and United States in Chess Game for Syria
Much is being made of a Russian proposal to resolve the “Crisis in Syria.” In sum, it calls for Syria to turn over its chemical weapons arsenal to international demolition experts and sign the international convention against their use to avoid military strikes by the United States. Notwithstanding understandable skepticism … on both sides, a fearful… Read more.
‘Hello1937’ – Putin Turning Russia Back to Stalin Days
Yesterday virtually all major newspapers around the world featured one of two stories about Russia – both of which suggest that the recent restoration of Vladimir Putin as president marked the beginning of political repression at home and cold-war aggression abroad that are eerily reminiscent of Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror. In other words, where… Read more.