Last November, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published a report, which found that Russia perpetrated state-sponsored doping to enhance the performance of Track and Field athletes. It made two major recommendations: The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the sport’s governing body, should suspend all Russian athletes from international competition. The Russian Athletic Federation (RusAF)… Read more.
Bombing ISIS Smacks of Masturbatory Violence
No doubt Russia needed to retaliate after ISIS blew up a Russian plane, killing 224. No doubt France needed to do the same after ISIS terrorized Paris, killing 129. The problem is that both Russia and France have retaliated in a manner that will do nothing to stop ISIS from launching similar attacks … or war-stricken… Read more.
In Putin’s Russia Even Athletics Is a Criminal (Doping) Enterprise
Putin and his cronies used the $51-billion Sochi Olympics as an egregious kickback scheme. Nothing betrays this fact quite like Sochi already looking like a crumbling, desolate North Korean settlement just weeks after the end of the Games. (“Prokhorov, Russian Owner of NBA Nets, Exposed,” The iPINIONS Journal, March 26, 2014) I wrote the above… Read more.
Obama Amassing Coalition to Do in Syria What Bush Did in Afghanistan/Iraq…
And Putin is trolling him with a coalition of his own … to do the same. American-trained Syrian fighters gave at least a quarter of their U.S.-provided equipment to al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria early this week, the U.S. Central Command said late Friday. In a statement correcting earlier assertions that reports of the turnover were… Read more.
Migrant Invasion Causing Humanitarian Remorse in Germany
[M]illions could be wandering through Europe, in migrant formation, before the end of the year. At that rate, Europe might end up with a majority non-White population before the United States… Germans are greeting this first wave of migrants with banners, cheers, and food. But don’t be surprised if these same Germans are hurling xenophobic epithets… Read more.
Egypt Sentences Morsi to Death; Exposes Fecklessness of U.S. Middle East Policy
Alas, Mohammed Morsi seems fated to become a martyr for the cause of democracy in the Middle East. He became Egypt’s first democratically elected president in June 2012. But army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi deposed him in July 2013 – in a coup that was, ironically, almost as popular as the student protests that… Read more.
Snowden Wants In from the Cold…
A Russian lawyer for Edward Snowden said on Tuesday the fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor who leaked details of the government’s mass surveillance programs was working with American and German lawyers to return home. ‘I won’t keep it secret … he wants to return back home.’ (Reuters, March 3, 2015) Well, that didn’t take… Read more.
Fated Assassination of Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov
It’s arguable that an opposition leader in Putin-controlled Russia is an even more endangered species than a Christian leader in ISIL-controlled Syria. But the best way to understand why opposition leaders in Russia invariably end up in prison, hopelessly marginalized, or dead is to understand that Putin eliminates them for the same reason the scorpion… Read more.
Ukraine: a New (Post-War) Germany in the Making
Ukraine, a new post-war Germany Ukraine is at the epicenter of a global power struggle reminiscent of historical flashpoints. Russia seems hellbent on mirroring Germany’s aggressive expansionist tactics of 1939. Its ongoing attempt to annex Ukraine is eerily reminiscent of Germany’s annexation of Poland. Russian forces in two armored columns captured a key southeastern coastal town near the Russian border Thursday after… Read more.
Russia Reopening Base in Cuba? Whoopty Friggin’ Doo
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming (back to Cuba)! Russia has quietly reached an agreement with Cuba to reopen a Soviet-era spy base on America’s doorstep, amid souring relations between Moscow and Washington. The deal to reopen the signals intelligence facility in Lourdes, south of Havana, was agreed in principle during President Vladimir… Read more.