President Trump didn’t say anything in his Congressional address last night that he hasn’t said a thousand times. He repeated the same pathological lies and gaslighting tropes, bragging that America is stronger and more respected than ever. In fact, America hasn’t been this divided at home since the Civil War. And it hasn’t been this… Read more.
Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Three Years Later
Enough said. Read more.
Ukraine Traded Nukes for Worthless Security Guarantees—Now the US Wants Its Minerals Too
Ukraine faces a grim choice: accept Trump’s extortionate deal, handing over $500 billion in critical minerals in exchange for meaningless security guarantees, or refuse and risk losing Western support — only to face another Russian invasion anyway when those promises prove worthless. Either way, history warns that guarantees without real enforcement are just preludes to… Read more.
Putin’s Travel Warning: Russians Told to Shun the West!
Russia has warned its citizens they might be “hunted” if they travel to the US or other Western countries. But this warning reeks of projection and gaslighting — now the hallmarks of Russia’s dealings with the West. After all, Russia has turned arresting Americans and other Westerners on trumped-up charges into a cottage industry, using… Read more.
Genocidal Diversion: Russia Threatening Georgia and Moldova to Divert from Ukraine
Russia calls in North Korean cavalry Russia has been waging a genocidal war in Ukraine for nearly three years. Now it’s bogged down. In fact, Russian troops are so beleaguered that President Putin has reportedly bartered with fellow pariah Kim Jong-un for North Korean reinforcements. Kim offered tens of thousands of his soldiers for the… Read more.
Biden, to Stop Election Interference, Don’t Sanction Russia, Arm Ukraine
The Biden administration’s latest sanctions and criminal charges against Russia for election interference are déjà vu all over again. Since 2016, the US has been slapping Russia with sanctions like a drunk at a piñata party — wildly swinging, hoping to hit something. Yet, the Russians are still at it, manipulating US public opinion to… Read more.
Western Allies Commemorate D-Day. But, Despite Putin, Don’t Forget Russia
Every year, Western leaders gather to commemorate D-Day. It’s a solemn occasion that pays tribute to the sacrifices “The Greatest Generation” made to win World War II. We rightly celebrate the Allied forces from the United States, Britain, France, and Canada for their heroic efforts to save the world from fascist tyranny. But let’s not… Read more.
EU’s Shameful Failure to Fully Arm Ukraine
Failure of US leadership The US Congress has dithered and reveled in dysfunction for months, delaying a crucial national security bill. This, even though members knew each day’s delay was costing an increasingly defenseless Ukraine dearly in both blood and treasure. US allies and enemies alike watched in utter stupefaction: Democratic allies expressed shock and dismay — as US politicians displayed… Read more.
Putin Boasts about Using Nukes to Bully and Intimidate
Russia using North Korea’s nuclear playbook Russia and North Korea are the only two nuclear powers whose leaders continually boast about using nukes. That is no coincidence. Russia and North Korea are also the two poorest and most sanctioned among the nine nuclear powers. Both leverage nuclear weapons to compensate for everything from diplomatic isolation to economic stagnation. North… Read more.
Alexei Navalny, Russia’s Heroic Fool, Is Dead
Navalny meets his fateful end The death of Alexei Navalny is as predictable as it is deplorable. After all, any Russian who becomes a thorn in the side of Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian regime ends up dead. And Navalny was the thorniest of them all. Not least because of the way he lampooned Putin for living like a czar… Read more.