Of course, only an asshole like him would do so. President Trump’s dismissal of Haiti, El Salvador and all of Africa as ‘shithole countries’ whose inhabitants are not desirable for U.S. immigration shocked people around the world and provoked swift condemnation. The president made the remarks Thursday during a White House meeting with lawmakers and suggested… Read more.
(Real) Black Face a Hit in … Romania
During a 2007 “pilgrimage” to Serbia, I visited several towns on the outskirts of Belgrade. In each one, I got the impression that mine was the first (real) black face people living there had ever seen. They invariably greeted me with stares, which made me feel like a Martian visiting Earth for the first time.… Read more.
#OscarSoDiverse …?
On Tuesday the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for this year’s Oscars. The nominees evoked such praise, you could almost hear Hollywood singing the song, “Kumbaya, my Lord.” This stood in stark contrast to the Academy’s announcement last year. The nominees provoked such outrage back then, you could almost hear… Read more.
Racism Worse Under Obama? Yes, but…
Many people are expressing shock, dismay, and disillusionment that racism in the United States has worsened since Obama’s purportedly post-racial election in 2008. President Barack Obama had hoped his historic election would ease race relations, yet a majority of Americans, 53 percent, say the interactions between the White and Black communities have deteriorated since he… Read more.
Dr. Oz in Fat Suit? Why Not Blackface, Doctor?
Dr. Oz in a fat suit No doubt you’ve seen actors on TV wearing fat suits. They pretend it’s to empathize with fat people. But skinny bitches like Gwyneth Paltrow and Courtney Cox do little more than make fun of them. That’s why actors wearing fat suits are just as offensive as those wearing blackface. Of course, Dr.Oz should know… Read more.
‘Death penalty’ for University of Miami Hurricanes…?
College players accepting perks is as common as restaurant servers taking tips. Indeed, it’s an open secret that “boosters” ply football players with perks. And they do this for one simple, unvarnished reason: to boost players’ performance on the field. Yet the NCAA never fails to feign moral outrage anew every time this open secret makes news. Such was… Read more.
Carter says whites resent Pres. Obama because he’s black. No s#*+!
Former President Jimmy Carter is creating quite a media furor today with an interview during which he said that much of the vile, ignorant and hysterical opposition to President Obama’s initiatives (on display at town hall meetings all across America in August) is based on old-fashioned racism. Here, in part, is what he said: I think overwhelming… Read more.