Kanye is a Jackass Thirteen years ago, former President Obama called Kanye West a Jackass. In a commentary last week, I delineated the many ways Kanye proceeded to prove Obama right. Now Kanye’s new BFF Candace Owens is using him to prove the age-old adage that a fool and his money are soon parted. Kanye West is going into business with… Read more.
LA City Council Confidential No More … Racism Leaked
Podcast Episode 92 Leaked audio of Latino members of the LA City Council has Blacks asking: Are Latinos just as racist against Blacks as Whites? Tribalism has Republicans and Democrats turning America into a first-world banana republic. This is why the smartest and fastest way for any minority group to exercise political influence is to… Listen.
Harris has provided fodder for the media to pull Quayle-Cheney train on her. But when it comes to crises shaking the foundations of this republic, her antics don’t even register on the Richter scale…
Related commentaries: VP Harris… Read more.
Justice for Ahmaud Arbery…
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty… And so it went, as the judge read 9 of 9 guilty verdicts for Travis McMichael, the first, and clearly most guilty, of three men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery. But I suspect many Blacks (and, to be fair, many whites) were so relieved after hearing that first guilty verdict, they probably… Read more.
Er, Why Gruden, and Not Trump…?
Jon Gruden stepped down Monday as the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders football team hours after The New York Times detailed emails in which he had made homophobic and misogynistic remarks, following an earlier report of racist statements about a union leader [‘Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of michellin tires,’ Gruden wrote about… Read more.
Canada’s ‘Aboriginal Sin’ Haunting It from the Grave…
Canada’s aboriginal sin America has been reckoning with the legacy of its “original sin” for centuries. This reckoning has been notorious – and often deadly. But it might surprise many to learn that Canada has been reckoning with the legacy of its “aboriginal sin” for just as long. This reckoning, however, has been tame and relatively suppressed. Indeed, it’s easy to… Read more.
Murdochs Lord Over Misogyny and Racism at Fox News
I have written many commentaries effectively ridiculing the culture at Fox News as a cross between those dramatized in The Stepford Wives and Peyton Place. Here for example is what I wrote in “Women Complain Fox News Head, Roger Ailes, Has Dick for Brains,” July 20, 2016: _________ Close friends will tell you that I… Read more.
Covid-19: Exploiting the Legacies of Racism … and Poverty
Much is being made about the disparate impact Covid-19 is having on black communities throughout the United States. No less a person than the surgeon general highlighted this in black and white during a recent White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing. It was notable enough that Surgeon General Jerome Adams was the only black on… Read more.
Trump Telling US Congresswomen to ‘Go Back’ Where They Came From Is Textbook Racism … and Clinical Projection
Donald Trump’s record of racism dates back decades. He sowed it in the 1970s in joint ventures with his daddy to discriminate against blacks seeking to rent in their apartment buildings. And, with all due respect to his birther conspiracy, he reaped it most notoriously in the late 1980s in full-page newspaper ads, in which… Read more.
The Dalai Lama Is an Anti-Migrant Hypocrite. He’s Sexist and Racist Too
The Dalai Lama is the most famous migrant in history. Of course, he’s a self-professed holy man. So you’d think he would be using his moral authority to support migrants everywhere. But nothing could be further from the truth. The Dalai Lama is an anti-migrant hypocrite [H]e said that refugees to the European Union should ultimately return home,… Read more.