The current crisis has already gone too far. Nuclear threats are not a game. Aggressive rhetoric and military posturing only result in counter-actions, and fuel fear and instability. This, according to NBC News, was the anxious alarm UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sounded yesterday after North Korea announced plans to restart a nuclear reactor it shut… Read more.
nuclear weapons
North Korea Playing Nuclear Brinkmanship … Again
A blunt and explicit threat from North Korea on Thursday that its missile and nuclear programs would “target” the United States poses a stark challenge to the Obama Administration even as it hoped it could focus its major diplomatic effort on restraining Iran’s less-advanced nuclear program. (“North Korea Issues Blunt Threat to United States,” New… Read more.
Despite drumbeat, Israel will never attack Iran
No doubt the rhetoric now being hurled between the United States/Israel and Iran smacks of an unnerving echo of that which was hurled between the United States/Britain and Iraq before the ill-fated invasion of that country in 2003 – complete with UN nuclear inspectors (then and now) on a wild-goose chase to find weapons of mass destruction.… Read more.
Obama and Medvedev “reset” US-Russia relations
As great a celebrity as President Obama has become, I really did not expect coverage of his Moscow summit to compete with the obsessive, predatory and wholly redundant coverage of (plans for) today’s Michael Jackson Memorial. But nothing demonstrates the tabloidization of the news media quite like the fact that even coverage of Sarah… Read more.