The Middle East is a perennially fractious region. And the combatants are as familiar with each other’s motivations and capabilities as, well, Cain was with Abel’s. This is why the maneuvers afoot in Syria are only playing out according to script. This includes Russia proving itself a far more reliable ally than the United States.… Read more.
Iraqi Kurdistan
Catalonia Continues Sisyphean Climb Towards Independence
Catalonia held an independence referendum yesterday. But only the Einsteinian definition of “insanity” explains why. It’s bad enough that legal prohibitions and political machinations rendered it invalid. But this referendum followed similar referendums in 2009 and 2011, mass independence rallies in 2010 and 2012, a parliamentary declaration of sovereignty in 2013, a self-determination referendum in… Read more.
Iraqi Kurdistan Declares Independence
Iraqi Kurds demonstrated on Monday that they are as determined to be independent as black slaves were to be free. But, ominously, Iraqi leaders are demonstrating that they are as determined to keep Iraqi Kurds in Iraq as Confederate leaders were to keep black slaves on the plantation. The Iraqi government escalated its confrontation with… Read more.