From the Blacks they brought in chains to the Blacks and Browns they cage in prisons and the Browns they deport in shackles — for some, America has never been the land of the free… Read more.
Zelensky in Washington Seeking More US Aid. But Goes from Hero to Zero
Zelensky seeking more aid A year ago this month, President Volodymyr Zelensky came to Washington. He was seeking additional US aid to help Ukraine fend off Russia’s genocidal aggression. He addressed a Joint Session of Congress, where members hailed him as a hero. They viewed him as a beacon of democratic resilience. I duly commented on the Churchillian… Read more.
Happy Halloween, America! But Don’t Trick Ukraine to Treat Israel
Jews, God’s chosen people Speaker Mike Johnson is a Bible-thumping, scripture-quoting zealot. He thinks God ordained him to be House Speaker. And, like most MAGA Republicans, he wears his evangelical Christianity on his sleeve. I am the son of an evangelical preacher man. I know evangelicals believe God commanded them to convert and save the Jews, who… Read more.
Proof In Trump Republicans Trust – Like Israelites Trusted Golden Calf
In Trump Republicans trust Trump voters are more likely to believe the former president is telling them the truth than their friends and family or religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll. (Axios, August 21, 2023) That, of course, is the very definition of cult worship. After all, nobody in their right mind is… Read more.
Disney CEO Bob Iger Slams Hollywood Writers and Actors for Going on Strike
Iger slams striking Hollywood Disney CEO Bob Iger appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Thursday morning. Everyone knew Hollywood actors would vote to strike mere hours later. And that, in doing so, they would join writers who have been on strike since May 2. But Iger wanted everyone to know that these writers and actors are demanding too much. In… Read more.
Calling Out Trump After Voting for Him Just Makes Chris Christie a Hypocrite
Christie, the commentator Chris Christie, the former Republican governor of New Jersey, is a regular commentator on the top-rated Sunday talk show This Week. On today’s episode, he and fellow commentators discussed Donald Trump’s refusal to concede the presidential election to Joe Biden. Here’s the indignant way Christie chimed in: The conduct of the president’s… Read more.
Latest Church Sex Scandals: Pulpit and Porn
Studies show that people in the Bible Belt watch the most porn. And church sex scandals are damning every religious denomination in America. The contradiction and hypocrisy are self-evident. But the tug and correlation between the pulpit and porn speak volumes. Latest church sex scandals The child sex abuse scandal now defines the Catholic Church.… Read more.
The Dalai Lama Is an Anti-Migrant Hypocrite. He’s Sexist and Racist Too
The Dalai Lama is the most famous migrant in history. Of course, he’s a self-professed holy man. So you’d think he would be using his moral authority to support migrants everywhere. But nothing could be further from the truth. The Dalai Lama is an anti-migrant hypocrite [H]e said that refugees to the European Union should ultimately return home,… Read more.
Golfer-in-Chief Trump Is Scamming Taxpayers and Calling It Charity
At this point, nobody should be surprised that Donald Trump is using the presidency to enrich himself. After all, even before he scammed his way into the White House, David Fahrenthold of The Washington Post was telegraphing his intent to do just that. In a detailed series of articles, he found that many of Trump’s… Read more.
‘Death penalty’ for University of Miami Hurricanes…?
College players accepting perks is as common as restaurant servers taking tips. Indeed, it’s an open secret that “boosters” ply football players with perks. And they do this for one simple, unvarnished reason: to boost players’ performance on the field. Yet the NCAA never fails to feign moral outrage anew every time this open secret makes news. Such was… Read more.