Fassbender’s concession becomes a suggestion Michael Fassbender appeared on Happy Sad Confused recently. And he made a shocking revelation worthy of that podcast’s quirky name. Fassbender said that, during his audition to play James Bond, he suggested Daniel Craig would be better. You might wonder about the self-esteem or state of mind of an actor… Read more.
Forget SNL; Will and Jada Are Providing Comic Relief from Gaza and Ukraine
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett seem hell-bent on showing that no marital detail is too intimate to share with the world. Only that explains Jada appearing on one media platform or another this week to share that she and Smith have been separated since 2016. Honoring Tupac Jada is selling her memoir. Never mind that she has made her… Read more.
Emily Ratajkowski Is Too Sexy for Acting – She Complains
Emily Ratajkowski thinks Hollywood is blackballing her because she’s too sexy. But that’s like Donald Trump thinking Washington is blackballing him because he’s too smart. Both of them are as clueless as they are narcissistic. Ratajkowski is ‘too sexy’ for acting Ratajkowski personifies confused millennials. One day, they’re clamoring for safe spaces in public places. The next day, they’re exposing themselves on social media, too… Read more.
#OscarSoDiverse …?
On Tuesday the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for this year’s Oscars. The nominees evoked such praise, you could almost hear Hollywood singing the song, “Kumbaya, my Lord.” This stood in stark contrast to the Academy’s announcement last year. The nominees provoked such outrage back then, you could almost hear… Read more.