Three months ago, Apple signed a deal with director Jon Watts to develop a sequel to his crime caper Wolfs, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. But, according to Variety, Apple has canceled those plans. Sorry, George, but this is what happens when you get so involved in presidential politics that you lose half the… Read more.
George Clooney
#OscarsSoWhite! Duh. But Boycott? Nah.
The world is all atwitter about the “lily-white Oscars.” Because, for the second consecutive year, the 20 nominees for best performances are all white. I commented on this racial snub when it happened last year. And, frankly, everything I wrote back then remains as relevant today. Most notably, that commentary, titled “Oscar Snubs Selma. Good,”… Read more.
Clooney Nuptials Show Saturday Weddings as Segregated as Sunday Services…?
We must face the sad fact that at 11 o’clock on Sunday morning, when we stand to sing ‘In Christ there is no East or West,’ we stand in the most segregated hour of America. (UC Berkley’s Oakland North, February 15, 2012) This is the famous and widely reported declaration Martin Luther King Jr. made… Read more.