Every March, Americans pretend they’re just in it for the love of the game. But when office pools, online betting apps, and billion-dollar bracket challenges flood the airwaves, it’s clear: March Madness isn’t about basketball — it’s about the high. And like any addiction, it doesn’t matter how impossible the odds are (at 1 in… Read more.
Phil Mickelson Gambling Like Tiger Woods Cheating
Reports are that Phil Mickelson consorts with high-stakes bookies. Remember the breaking news that Tiger Woods cavorts with high-priced prostitutes? Well, this news about Mickelson is far more shocking. Phil Mickelson gambling like Tiger Woods cheating Nearly $3 million transferred from golfer Phil Mickelson to an intermediary was part of ‘an illegal gambling operation which… Read more.
SEC Lawyer Admits Big Dogs on Wall Street Untouchable
I’m on record lamenting that law enforcement officials were no more interested in stopping illegal gambling on Wall Street than Captain Renault was in stopping it in Casablanca. Which is why I greeted this damning admission with indignant indifference: A trial attorney from the Securities and Exchange Commission said his bosses were too ‘tentative and… Read more.