Behold the America that obsesses over CRT, whitewashes history, and watches only Fox TV… Related commentaries: Jan 6 hearing… CRT… Read more.
Fox News
Jan. 6 Hearing, Like Insurrection Porn, Failed to Arouse…
Truth be told, as I watched last night’s Jan. 6 hearing, I felt like a porn addict waiting for some tidbit of information or video clip to come along and arouse my interest. It never came. Hell, even that “damning exchange” between Liz Cheney and Ivanka Trump didn’t get a rise out of me… This… Read more.
NY Times Exposes Fox News Tucker Carlson as a Racist. Duh
The liberal intelligentsia are heaping Pulitzer praise on The New York Times for a series that exposes Fox News host Tucker Carlson as a racist. But count me out. Because this is rather like getting all atwitter over an investigative series that exposes Donald Trump as a liar. Duh. Here is how the eponymous “Intelligencer”… Read more.
For Sen. Ted Cruz, There Must Be Pride in Having None…
Never before in the history of American politics has a politician seem to revel in debasing himself quite like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas does. My commentary “Lyin’ Ted Cruz Is Even Worse Than Trump Said,” February 20, 2021, probably said it all. But I’d be remiss not to comment on this: Senator Ted Cruz… Read more.
Manchin Betrays Democrats. I Warned He Would…
Senator Manchin is finally making clear his intent to do to President Biden’s signature Build Back Better bill what Sen. John McCain did to President Trump’s signature Obamacare Repeal bill. The White House accused Sen. Joe Manchin III of a double-cross on President Biden’s mammoth social welfare and climate change legislation. In a fiery statement,… Read more.
Podcast: Rupert Murdoch, His Fox News, and the Poisoning of America
Episode 56: And, in Tucker Carlson and Lara Logan, This Wizard of Trumpism Is Just Creating New Monsters… Related commentaries: Murdoch… Trumpism… Listen.
Covid’s Delta Variant Inspires ‘Come to Jesus’ Conversion at Fox News
Nobody has been more critical than I of the diabolical way Fox News has spent years propagating anti-American propaganda. You’d never know it today, but Fox News used to be de-facto state TV -before Trump’s dystopian presidency made being so politically inconvenient. Specifically, no cable network provided more jingoistic coverage of the American military or… Read more.
Preston Padden Helped Launch Fox News. Now He’s Damning It … but Sparing Murdoch.
America is experiencing the spasms of an increasingly kinetic (second) civil war. So think whatever you will of Russian ransomware attacks and Chinese rhetorical bullying. The only things Americans have to fear are Americans themselves. And “the culture wars” now raging over things like Critical Race Theory and the National Anthem should be far from… Read more.
Treated Like Pariahs in America, Fox-News Murdochs Flee to Australia
I occasionally have cause to wonder if my persuasiveness and clairvoyance are not greater than I realize. Case in point, Rupert Murdoch is a naturalized American. But I’ve argued for years that he seems more hell-bent on doing everything to destroy this country from the inside than Vladimir Putin is on doing so from the… Read more.
Disaffected MSNBC Producer Explains Why I Rejected All Invitations to Do Commentary on TV
Mere weeks after I launched this journal in February 2005, a friend of a friend (that’s very DC) shared that a CNN producer wanted to talk to me about appearing as a guest commentator. I was flattered. But I soon learned that I was even more naïve. Because mere seconds into our interview, that producer… Read more.