President Trump delivering the sermon at a national prayer breakfast is like the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan delivering the keynote address at the NAACP convention. Yet, DC politicians dutifully assembled on Thursday to hear his MAGA sermon. But MAGA evangelicals listening to Trump’s blasphemous, self-worshipping drivel had to feel trapped in a… Read more.
Supreme Court Rules Employers Can No Longer Fire LGBTQ Employees. Yes They Could.
Here is how I stated the unassailable principle that I believed would compel the Supreme Court to rule same-sex marriages legal: It is a self-evident truth that not allowing gays to marry is an even greater violation of the fundamental equal/civil rights all citizens should enjoy than not allowing blacks to vote. (“Same-Sex Marriages Now… Read more.
Weinstein vs Trump: Hollywood more Righteous than Bible Belt…?
To quote The Freewheelin song by Bob Dylan, The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind. After all, when Harvey Weinstein was outed as a sexual predator last week, righteous indignation compelled Hollywood actors to rebuke him. By contrast, when Donald Trump was outed as a sexual predator last year, political opportunism compelled evangelical… Read more.
(White) Evangelicals Supporting Donald Trump like Israelites Worshipping Golden Calf
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a black-swan phenomenon. Nothing demonstrates this quite like so many commentators having egg on their faces for mistakenly predicting its demise. The only reason I don’t is that I have never underestimated the ignorance or gullibility of large segments of the American people. Such commentaries as “On Syria (and almost… Read more.