Wikipedia describes Civil War as follows: A 2024 dystopian film written and directed by Alex Garland. It follows a team of journalists traveling across the United States during a civil war fought between an authoritarian federal government and several regional factions. Naturally, it’s all too easy to envision a new Trump administration as that “authoritarian federal government,” with… Read more.
Donald Trump
Hey, Media, Stop Covering Trump’s Courthouse Rants
Covering Trump vs. Biden Yesterday, President Biden delivered a speech in Pennsylvania contrasting his Scranton policies to help the poor and middle class with Trump’s Mar-a-Lago policies to enrich the rich and super-rich. But this might come as news to you. That’s because cable news networks were too busy covering Trump’s criminal trial in New York City. New York DA Alvin… Read more.
Court Bails Trump Out, Reducing Bond from $464M to $175M
Trump begs MAGA supporters to save his gilded tower Donald Trump shamelessly milks his MAGA supporters for money to cover his bills. His fundraising tactics range from hawking gilded sneakers to sending desperate SOS emails. The subject line — ‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower’ — was repeated at the start of the email in bold, italics and… Read more.
Kanye: I Am Ye
Kanye is a ‘slave name’? Not since Sean Combs, A.K.A. Puff Daddy, morphed into P Diddy has a name change spawned so much derision. However, this time, the mockery is laced with pity, even sadness. Kanye West’s chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, demanded in a letter that the rapper be referred to as Ye and not… Read more.
‘King Charles’: Barkley Sounding Too Much Like Kanye
‘King Charles’ Charles Barkley is both informative and entertaining when discussing basketball. Clearly, CNN assumed he’d be equally so when debating politics and social issues. Spoiler alert: CNN couldn’t have been more wrong. I’ve watched several episodes of his show, King Charles. Suffice it to know that it came across as the most cringeworthy attempt by a sports star to host… Read more.
Just Vote Democrat, Girlfriend. He’ll Never Know.
The Supreme Court Might Help Trump Win. But He’ll Never Set Foot in the White House Again
Trump seems fated to win I get it. Donald Trump, the twice-impeached and four-times indicted insurrectionist, is also a well-documented serial liar and sexual predator. In stark contrast, despite Trump’s attempts to smear him with dishonesty and grift, Joe Biden is hailed for his honesty and integrity. Furthermore, he’s arguably the most successful first-term president in US history. Yet, in a foreboding… Read more.
Letitia James Slays Trump and the NRA. But Whither Fani Willis
In case you haven’t noticed, New York State Attorney General Letitia James has been kicking ass and taking names. And she’s not targeting the usual suspects on the streets. Because she’s going after the presumed untouchables in the C-suites too. Tish humbles Trump and LaPierre It was another day of eye-popping courtroom victories for New York State… Read more.
Israelis Soldiers Filming Their War Crimes for Social Media ‘Likes’
Israeli war crimes Last month, South Africa filed a case in the United Nation’s highest court accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. I reacted by accusing South Africa of being a useful idiot. I argued this was a blatant deflection, a smokescreen for the actual genocide – courtesy of its comrade Russia in Ukraine. I found the gaslighting at play unconscionable.… Read more.
Observing Presidents’ Day
Presidents’ Day: it’s about the sales, man Alas, “Presidents’ Day” has become just another jingoistic way to induce Americans to shop for cars and mattresses. And this is one distortion or, in this case, commercialization of history that has nothing to do with race matters. Instead, this one stems from TV commercials now heralding and defining this… Read more.