Many of my progressive friends are having a hard time coming to terms with Donald Trump as president-elect of the United States. Some are even joining self-flagellating, flash-mob protests, which are springing all over the country, to vent their raging disbelief. I tried reasoning with them to no avail. Ironically, some of them are convinced… Read more.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s Growing Bill-Cosby Problem…
Trump bragged during that now-infamous hot-mic moment on Access Hollywood about being entitled to kiss women on the mouth and grab them by the pussy … because he’s a star. That was just the latest in a series of outrages that should have disqualified his presidential campaign. But I wrote in “Evangelicals Supporting Donald Trump like… Read more.
N-Word Not P-Word Taboo During Clinton-Trump Debate
I am holding fast to my pledge not to dignify the presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump with any comment. But there’s compelling public interest in making sure the following is part of Sunday’s post-debate commentary: No doubt you’ve seen the viral video, which leaked on Friday, of Trump bragging, during a hot-mic… Read more.
Presidential Debate: Hailing the Dumbing Down of America
I thought the media could do no more to champion style over substance in American politics. But the way they’re hyping the first debate of this presidential election has disabused me of that thought. For I am truly stupefied that TV reporters and commentators are encouraging viewers to determine who wins not by the answers they… Read more.
Opportunistic Black Politicians Denounce Trump’s Self-Aggrandizing Birther Admission
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus fiercely criticized the way Donald Trump delivered his brief admission Friday that President Barack Obama was born in the United States, saying it was insufficient and demanding an apology for Trump’s years-long push of ‘birther’ claims. ‘This is a disgusting day,’ said Rep. G.K. Butterfield, a Democrat from North… Read more.
Hillary and Trump Should Have a Military Doctor Perform Physicals
If the health of these presidential candidates is so important, each of them should submit to a full physical examination by a military doctor selected from the active-duty physicians who serve in the White House Medical Unit. After all, these physicians will be responsible for providing health services to the new president (and her family). That… Read more.
Ignore the Polls. Hillary Will Win in ‘Wave’ Election…
Donald Trump has edged ahead of Hillary Clinton in a poll released Tuesday, the latest to reflect a tightening race as the campaigns kick into high gear after Labor Day. The CNN/ORC poll shows Trump leading Clinton 45-43 percent in a four-way race, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 7 percent and Green Party’s Jill Stein… Read more.
Detroit Bishop and South Carolina Pastor Latest Evangelicals to Abandon Values at the Altar of Trump
That this has been a “black swan” election year is an understatement. In fact, we’ve been treated to confirming instances on a daily basis. But nothing has been more surreal in this respect than watching Evangelicals abandon their values to support Donald Trump. These, after all, are Christians who professed religious scruples over supporting Ronald… Read more.
Trump’s ‘Law and Order’ Doublespeak Has RNC Raving and Roiling
Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman whose outsider campaign has both galvanized millions of voters and divided the Republican Party, is the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. The New Yorker’s embrace by the Republican National Convention (RNC) marks a remarkable moment in U.S. political history and validates a campaign that shattered precedent, defied pundits and usurped the… Read more.
The Times Is Wrong To Say Trump Is Right About Ginsburg
One of the many things that distress me about politics in America today is the extent to which erstwhile intelligent people spew out viral talking points as informed thought. This herd-like mentality was on full display yesterday. That’s when commentators across the political spectrum began parroting the same condemnation of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader… Read more.