A few months ago, I damned Aung San Suu Kyi as the ‘godmother of ethnic cleansing.” I did not think then that anyone could damn her more. I was wrong. But I suppose it should come as no surprise that two acclaimed song writers have found more damning words: The Irish musicians Bob Geldof and… Read more.
Donald Trump
UPDATE: Trump Congratulates China for Raping US
Here is what Trump said on the campaign trail last year, which thrilled Republican voters as much as it must have angered Chinese leaders: ‘We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country, and that’s what they’re doing.’… Sunday marks the first time in this campaign that Trump has used the term ‘rape’ to… Read more.
China, Next Stop on Trump’s Traveling Circus through Far East
President Trump begins his state visit to China today. He will pay lip service to the threat of trade war with China, but the threat of nuclear war with North Korea will dominate all talks. Except that anyone who knows anything about the nature of this threat knows that these talks will amount to much… Read more.
Sen. McCain Needles Trump as ‘Bone Spur’ Draft Dodger
One of the perverse features of Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism is the shameless way he engages in projection. The psychopathology afoot here is called projection. It is defined by people attributing to others traits, faults, and blame that inhere in themselves. And it explains almost every insult Trump has hurled at his opponents throughout this presidential campaign.… Read more.
Trump More Mussolini than Hitler: ‘Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby’
It is now conventional wisdom that “Donald Trump is like Adolf Hitler.” The Washington Examiner crystallized this in a report on December 28, 2016, under the headline “Seven times the media compared Trump to Hitler.” But the Washington Post gave this meme über credibility when it published an editorial on February 29, 2016, under the… Read more.
UPDATE: Trump Leading March against Iran, but Nobody Following
Iran, Russia and European leaders roundly condemned President Trump’s decision on Friday to disavow the Iran nuclear deal, saying that it reflected the growing isolation of the United States, threatened to destabilize the Middle East and could make it harder to resolve the growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. [Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain,… Read more.
Trump Decertifying Iran Nuclear Deal more MALO than MAGA
Hardly a day goes by without Donald Trump doing or saying something to make his presidency a laughing stock. A recent highlight (or lowlight) had him shooting paper towels like basketballs into a crowd of cheering reporters during a photo-op stop in hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. He reportedly thought this would provide a sign of hope… Read more.
Weinstein vs Trump: Hollywood more Righteous than Bible Belt…?
To quote The Freewheelin song by Bob Dylan, The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind. After all, when Harvey Weinstein was outed as a sexual predator last week, righteous indignation compelled Hollywood actors to rebuke him. By contrast, when Donald Trump was outed as a sexual predator last year, political opportunism compelled evangelical… Read more.
Trump’s America Showing ‘Shades’ of Hitler’s Germany…?
Comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are fast becoming a mainstream media meme. Just this week Representative John Garamendi (D-CA), a seasoned member of the Armed Services Committee, voiced concerns on Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s The Situation Room about Trump “using Nazi tactics” – like demonizing the press; The former British ambassador to the… Read more.
G20 Germany Hamburg: Much Ado About Nothing
Foremost, with all the humbug about Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, bear in mind that American President Donald J. Trump might be a bigger danger to Westerner democracies. Putin must be laughing at his dumb luck. After all, he could never have imagined having an American president who seems almost as hell-bent as he is… Read more.