Serbian parliament goes up in smoke Earlier this week, Serbian opposition MPs detonated smoke bombs, hurled eggs, and sprayed fire extinguishers in parliament. It looked like a heavy metal concert gone off the rails. Their combustible display left at least three injured. One lawmaker even suffered a stroke and remains in critical condition. Serbian President… Read more.
Trump Addresses Nation He’s Made More Divided and Hated Than Ever
President Trump didn’t say anything in his Congressional address last night that he hasn’t said a thousand times. He repeated the same pathological lies and gaslighting tropes, bragging that America is stronger and more respected than ever. In fact, America hasn’t been this divided at home since the Civil War. And it hasn’t been this… Read more.
Farewell Address: Biden Echoes My Warning about Mercenary Oligarchs
President Biden delivered his Farewell Address on Wednesday. Presidents usually use this final primetime slot to pat themselves on the back and hand historians the first draft of their legacy. That’s why these speeches are often as forgettable as the annual State of the Union Address. The notable exception is Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address… Read more.
Happy New Year 2025 – Good Luck!
Is Mohammad Julani Syria’s Fidel Castro?
Syria’s rebel leader Abu Mohammad al Julani is promising to build a secular, inclusive society that respects minority rights. Western leaders are eating it up. They’re salivating at the chance to snatch Syria from Russia’s autocratic axis and parade it as a new democracy. President Biden is so impressed he scrapped the $10 million bounty… Read more.
Fear of Trump Causes Apple to Cancel Clooney, Pitt ‘Wolfs’ Sequel
Three months ago, Apple signed a deal with director Jon Watts to develop a sequel to his crime caper Wolfs, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. But, according to Variety, Apple has canceled those plans. Sorry, George, but this is what happens when you get so involved in presidential politics that you lose half the… Read more.
Trump Already Contesting 2024 Election Results. Here’s What Biden Should Do.
Team Trump filed over 60 lawsuits in their failed attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. So it speaks volumes that they have already filed over 100 lawsuits to influence the outcome of this election. Their strategy involves suppressing the votes of Blacks and Hispanics communities, then lying in wait to contest and litigate the… Read more.
Bezos Spikes WashPo’s Kamala Endorsement: This Is How Democracy Dies
Bezos: democracy is no match for billions Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post. More to the point, he has more money than he could spend in ten lifetimes. Yet, only a mix of greed and fear explains his decision to spike the Post’s endorsement of Kamala. His editor-at-large Robert Kagan resigned, showing the… Read more.
Biden, to Stop Election Interference, Don’t Sanction Russia, Arm Ukraine
The Biden administration’s latest sanctions and criminal charges against Russia for election interference are déjà vu all over again. Since 2016, the US has been slapping Russia with sanctions like a drunk at a piñata party — wildly swinging, hoping to hit something. Yet, the Russians are still at it, manipulating US public opinion to… Read more.
MAGA Republicans Are Selling Out Democracy for Cheaper Bread
Donald Trump is a twice-impeached, four-times-indicted, convicted felon and adjudged rapist. He’s also a pathological liar who incited an insurrection. Yet listen carefully, and you’ll hear MAGA Republicans saying they’re voting for him anyway just to avoid 3% inflation. They blithely overlook his threats to turn American democracy into a Russian-style autocracy, as if that’s… Read more.