I have written many commentaries on America’s 50-year embargo against Cuba. Here, for example, are excerpts from two of them in which I proffered the moral imperative for the United States to lift it. From “Dancing on Castro’s Grave Is Not Only Unseemly; It’s Premature,” August 2, 2007: Most of us in the Americas are… Read more.
New York Times to Obama: End Senseless Embargo on Cuba
The Editorial Board of the New York Times made news on Saturday, when it published a special editorial calling on President Obama to “End the U.S. Embargo on Cuba:” Scanning a map of the world must give President Obama a sinking feeling as he contemplates the dismal state of troubled bilateral relationships his administration has… Read more.
Russia Reopening Base in Cuba? Whoopty Friggin’ Doo
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming (back to Cuba)! Russia has quietly reached an agreement with Cuba to reopen a Soviet-era spy base on America’s doorstep, amid souring relations between Moscow and Washington. The deal to reopen the signals intelligence facility in Lourdes, south of Havana, was agreed in principle during President Vladimir… Read more.
‘Cuban Twitter’: Obama’s Bay of Pigs…?
For over 50 years, American presidents have been enforcing an embargo against Cuba to force regime change, embarrassingly, to no avail. This is why I’ve been in the vanguard of those urging President Obama to end it; especially given that it has done nothing more than relegate generations of innocent Cubans to lives of systematic penury.… Read more.
Jay-Z Answers Critics by Dissing, Betraying Obama…?
Hell, given their cozy relationship with President Obama, it would not surprise me to learn that he personally sanctioned their visit as goodwill ambassadors pursuant to the ‘people-to-people’ program he initiated to promote greater cultural exchange between Americans and Cubans. (“Beyoncé and Jay-Z Representing Pop and Hip Hop in Cuba,” The iPINIONS Journal, April 8,… Read more.
Beyoncé and Jay-Z Representing Pop and Hip Hop in Cuba
Beyoncé and Jay-Z incited a lot of outrage for visiting Cuba last week. They reportedly went to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary, which they did by touring historical landmarks and spreading the goodwill of American Pop and Hip-Hop music. But, given the way Republican congressmen beholden to Miami Cubans are reacting, you’d think Bey and… Read more.
Castros’ (White) Successor Highlights Racism in Cuba
I am among those who have been agitating for years for the United States to lift its hypocritical, unconscionable, and demonstrably misguided embargo against Cuba. Not least because the people who have been (and are being) harmed most by it are poor Cubans, the majority of whom are Black. Instead of merely extolling the Pope’s… Read more.
Cuba: Raul’s a brutal despot too?! Duh…
This week, international news organizations reported the fact that Raul Castro is continuing the reign of terror his brother Fidel launched almost 50 years ago as if it were every bit as shocking as the fact that President Barack Obama is continuing many of the oppressive war-on-terror tactics his predecessor George W. Bush deployed after… Read more.
Fifth Summit of the Americas: managing expectations
Just days after Barack Obama was elected president of the United States, I previewed what this portended for the Caribbean as follows: I feel constrained to note that, racial pride aside, those in the Caribbean who are heralding Obama’s election as the dawn of a new day in our relations with the United States are… Read more.
CARICOM’s ironic, if not misguided, call to lift the embargo against Cuba
At an extraordinary summit in Cuba this week, leaders of all countries in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) called on President-elect Barack Obama to lift America’s nearly 50-year embargo against their host country. As we gather today in Cuba, the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America is still in place…… Read more.