Developing nations (still) harbor illusions about China enabling them to emulate its economic success. But the record shows that, through its “debt-trap” diplomacy, China is merely ensnaring those nations into mercantile servitude. That’s why the following smacks of begging for voluntary vassalage: House Speaker Halson Moultrie yesterday recommended to a People’s Republic of China delegation… Read more.
Hong Kongers Are more Unruly Secessionists than Pro-Democracy Activists
The world watched anxiously as two million people marched in the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday. They were demanding Carrie Lam, the territory’s China-anointed chief executive, withdraw an extradition bill that would allow anyone arrested in Hong Kong to face trial in China. To everyone’s relief, cooler heads prevailed. There was no repeat of… Read more.
How China Is Preparing to Surpass US as the Most Powerful Nation…
Trump Insists China Is Paying for His Tariffs (Just like Mexico Is Paying for His Wall…?)
President Trump’s blusterous ignorance is surpassed only by his dangerous delusions. He might even think a lie becomes the truth if he keeps repeating it boldly and loudly enough. Only this explains his dogged claim that the United States is “collecting tens of billions of dollars from China in tariffs.” It is not – as… Read more.
The Americas: China Encroaching, Migrants Caravanning, US Retreating, CARICOM Flailing, Venezuela Failing, Russia Reclaiming… It’s All a Trumpian Mess!
[Note: I have written 4,135 commentaries on this weblog over the past 15 years. What follows is the longest by far … Reports are that even a 33-character tweet tests the attention span of most people these days. Therefore, I fully appreciate how daring (or foolish) it is to publish this 21,000-character commentary. And no,… Read more.
China Lays (Political) Claim to Taiwan…
And China will have it – either by agreement, the way it claimed Hong Kong, or by force, the way Russia claimed South Ossetia, Abkhazia … and Crimea. Chinese President Xi Jinping, declaring that independence is not an option for Taiwan, urged both sides to reach an early consensus on unification and not leave the issue… Read more.
China ‘Colonizing’ the Developing World Using Loans
China colonizing the developing world China is colonizing the developing world. It’s doing so by getting countries hooked on debts like cartels get people hooked on drugs. My mother country, The Bahamas, is among those countries. So I know firsthand the effects of this unwitting addiction. But I’ve been sounding the alarm far and wide. Here are… Read more.
China Tightening Noose Around Taiwan’s ‘Independence’
China has been leveraging its economic power on the world stage for years. And it is beginning to do the same with its growing military power, which its aggressive and uncontested moves in the South China Sea attest. More to the point, China’s disregard for international criticisms in this context has been growing commensurate with… Read more.
US Uses Foreign Aid to Threaten World Over Jerusalem. China Should Call Its Bluff
A truly incomprehensible feature of this first year of the Trump presidency is the extent to which he has continually marginalized the United States in world affairs. Critics often caricature his “America First” slogan as America isolated, standing alone. But I suspect this caricature has more truth than even his most informed supporters could have… Read more.
UPDATE: Trump Congratulates China for Raping US
Here is what Trump said on the campaign trail last year, which thrilled Republican voters as much as it must have angered Chinese leaders: ‘We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country, and that’s what they’re doing.’… Sunday marks the first time in this campaign that Trump has used the term ‘rape’ to… Read more.