Ah, yes, because the real tragedy of these wildfires is the loss of celebrity (second) homes. Forget the ordinary people who lost their only homes or the firefighters risking their lives to protect what’s left. They’re just the extras on this Hollywood disaster set, apparently. At least Arnold Schwarzenegger had the decency to reject this… Read more.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger’s Lovechild Bombshell
If these politicians were not lead vocals in a chorus of moral crusaders, I would not give their sexual escapades a moment’s thought. For the unadulterated pleasure of afflicting these hypocrites, however, I don’t even mind being bedfellows with a publicity-seeking hustler like Larry Flynt. (D.C. Madam outs Sen. David Vitter as a faithful “John”,… Read more.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: from He-man to Girlie-man!
Anabolic steroids have been a topic of considerable public debate lately. But nobody exploited and personified their use more infamously than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger: from he-man to girlie-man Schwarzenegger now serves as a public service announcement against steroid use: he flaunted the inflated benefits in his prime, but now displays the deflated effects in his old age. In short, using… Read more.