Englishman Mark Burnett should not be criticized for playing the race card to lift sagging ratings on his show Survivor: Cook Islands. Rather, he should be criticized for playing the American people for fools – by proclaiming that he’s playing the race card as “a social experiment like never before”.
After all, Burnett knows as well as the most uneducated American does that the contrived segregation on Survivor is played out, in reality, in churches every Sunday and in lunch rooms (at school and work) every weekday all over America.
Therefore, he really should spare us his patently absurd racial spin. And Burnett’s critics should spare us their self-righteous and hypocritical claptrap about his stupid TV show!
NOTE: Given the way his fellow countryman Simon Cowell has played Americans for fools with his American Idol franchise, I can see why Burnett would make such a craven pitch for ratings. But never mind him, what does it say about the “castaways” (blacks especially) that they would allow themselves to be used for such crass commercial purposes….
WeblogBahamas.com says
Hi Anthony:
So is it alright for the white’s to be used for such crass purposes?
I have never watched the show, but thought I would ask.
ALH ipinions says
I think a fair reading of my ‘NOTE” indicates that I do not think “castaways” of any race should allow themselves to be used for this purpose.
But given the racist ways whites have victimised blacks throughout history, one would have thought blacks would be especially repulsed.
WeblogBahamas.com says
I note that you indicated any race should not allow themselves to be used in that way, you placed special emphasis on blacks.
Does this not leave out the many years of persecution white people have had throughout history? Albeit that was “white” on “white”. But that does not make it okay…does it?
What about black on black persecution?