Caribbean natives can invariably cite dates and facts about the emancipation of American slaves, but are often clueless about the emancipation of our own enslaved ancestors. I find this so dismaying. Mind you, the white leaders of the United States have never even deemed this historic event in American history worthy of commemoration. Whereas, the… Read more.
Don’t Make Flight Attendants Take Self-Defense Classes! There’s a Simpler Solution…
For starters, their primary job is to protect and ensure the safety of passengers. Therefore, training to protect and keep themselves safe from passengers seems oxymoronic on its face. The Transportation Security Administration will once again offer self-defense classes to flight attendants and pilots as the airline industry deals with a surge in cases of… Read more.
Covid’s Delta Variant Inspires ‘Come to Jesus’ Conversion at Fox News
Nobody has been more critical than I of the diabolical way Fox News has spent years propagating anti-American propaganda. You’d never know it today, but Fox News used to be de-facto state TV -before Trump’s dystopian presidency made being so politically inconvenient. Specifically, no cable network provided more jingoistic coverage of the American military or… Read more.
To Show Skin, or To Be Fined? That Should Not Be the Question for Any Athlete…
Yet a mere glimpse at any women’s beach volleyball match at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics makes clear why that is the question for so many women athletes. Athletes must train their bodies beyond what seems the limits of human capacity to excel at international competitions. So the last thing they need when they show up… Read more.
Podcast: Assassination of President Jovenel Moïse: Wither Haiti…
Episode 42: They Can Blame the Americans and French, But Haitians Are Mostly to Blame… Related commentaries: Haiti… Listen.
Thanks to Branson and Bezos, the Dumbing Down of Earthlings Now Knows No Bounds…
But here’s to NASA for making clear that those “astronaut wings,” which both men made such a show of enlisting real astronauts to pin to their lapels, are no more legitimate than a graduate degree from Trump University. Here is how the BBC brought these wannabe astronauts down to earth (and I said it before… Read more.
Too Many Celebrated Blacks, like the 1619’s Hannah-Jones, Fight for Democracy in America but Support Dictatorship in Cuba
I could not have been prouder or more impressed with the way Nikole Hannah-Jones schooled the University of North Carolina when they tried to force her to serve an indentured professorship before getting the tenured position she was entitled to, objectively. When UNC trustees finally came to their senses and caved, she made a public… Read more.
Hail, Milwaukee Bucks! NBA Champions!
A half century ago, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar — a young goliath then known as Lew Alcindor — led the Milwaukee Bucks to their first championship. For decades, it was the only time the franchise had reached that height. That is, until now. On Tuesday night, the Bucks capped off their return to greatness. They are once… Read more.
Texas Democrats Aping Fugitive Slaves to Protect Black Voting Rights…?
There’s no denying that the primary cause of the Civil War was the attempt by Southerners to retain, and to even expand, their slave economy nationwide. In a similar vein, the attempt by Republicans to systematically suppress the ability of Blacks and Hispanics to exercise their right to vote is unfolding as the primary cause… Read more.
Podcast: Bans All Spectators at Tokyo Olympics? Oh, the Irony…
Episode 41: Where Winning and Hearing No Cheers Might Feel More Like Agony of Defeat than the Thrill of Victory… Related commentaries: London Olympics.. Listen.