Post-Brexit Britain has been finding itself increasingly isolated on the world stage. This might explain why it seizes any opportunity to seem relevant. This was the case when the British media hailed the fact that Britain was the destination of President Biden’s first foreign trip. And it is the case now with them hailing Prime… Read more.
Afghanistan: ‘US Officials Have Always Known This War Is Unwinnable’
Granted, it’s Tuesday, but the Monday-morning quarterbacking is head spinning. No doubt you are hearing pundits across the political spectrum decry everything from the unwillingness of Afghans to fight to the willingness of Americans to rely on WMD-style intelligence to their demise … yet again. Most people are understandably in shock and awe over the… Read more.
Biden, Seize the Narrative: Announce a Berlin-Style Airlift Now!
President Biden should command prime time on all networks tonight to announce a Berlin-style airlift of all Americans and Afghans who supported America’s 20-year war. He should also lay blame for this debacle where it belongs, namely at the feet of the Afghan soldiers who used those feet to high tail it and run when… Read more.
Podcast: Alexander Lukashenko Auditioning to Play Fidel Castro in Cold War II
Episode 44: But This Pawn Is Being Played by Two Masters, Both of Whom Seem Better at Geopolitical Chess Than Biden… Related commentaries: Biden’s foreign policy team… Fate of democracy… Listen.
Haitian Earthquake 2021. Déjà vu or Voodoo…?
A major earthquake struck western Haiti on Saturday, likely causing high casualties and widespread disaster, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and sending shock waves across the Caribbean, where people fled their homes for fear they might collapse. The 7.2-magnitude earthquake quake struck 8 km (5 miles) from the town of Petit Trou de Nippes, about… Read more.
Infrastructure Bill? The Taliban Say ‘Done. Now Yankee Go Home!’
America spent 20 years investing lots of blood and treasure to build an Afghanistan that could fend off the Taliban. Yet the world is watching things fall apart in just 20 weeks after President Biden announced a full withdrawal of all US troops. But who would’ve thought this was possible? And don’t blame it all… Read more.
Wildfires: It Might Not Be Water, But Fire Next Time
Watching the news lately, you’d be forgiven the impression the world is on fire. Of course wildfires are seasonal – as I duly noted just weeks ago in “Two-Headed Hydra of Climate Change Has California Burning, New York Flooding,” on July 13. But the devastation they’re causing is becoming increasingly apocalyptic. Here is how CBC… Read more.
What Price Party: Obama’s ‘Let-Them-Eat-Cake’ Birthday Bash
Nero fiddled. Obama danced. Legend has it that Nero fiddled while “a great fire ravaged Rome.” But history can fairly record that Obama danced while a great pandemic ravaged America. Here is how TMZ, the tabloid of record in the celebrity world former President Barack Obama now inhabits, reported the first draft on August 8:… Read more.
Tokyo Olympics Medal Count: America’s No. 1! But Just Barely…
Much ado is made every Olympics about how countries fare in the final medal count. But nothing demonstrates US dominance in this respect quite like it winning a total of 2941 medals, including 1166 gold, between the 1896 Athens Olympics and these 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Soviet Union and Russia combined is second with a… Read more.
Podcast: Osaka and Biles, the (Black) Faces of these Tokyo Olympics, Crack Under Pressure
Episode 43: But China and Russia Are Proving as Bedeviling in Sports as They Are in Politics Related commentaries: Shaunae Miller-Uibo… Online comments… Listen.