Catholic nuns are predators, too? Anyone who attended Catholic grade school can testify to witnessing nuns display spasms of demonic violence. Witnessing that informed the cynicism I vented earlier this year (on February 26) in “More Catholic Depravity: Nuns Pimping Orphans to Priests.” But if nuns could serve as madams for pedophile priests, it’s hardly… Read more.
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! Supreme Court Begins Most Transformative Term With Least Public Trust
The first Monday in October marks the beginning of a new term for the Supreme Court. This tradition dates back to 1916. But the Court has never marked this occasion with public opinion of its impartiality as low as it is today. The Supreme Court’s approval rating is plummeting, its critics are more caustic, and… Read more.
Kyrsten Sinema is the Star of Democratic Dysfunction Vindicating Republican Dystopia…
Unsurprisingly, Saturday Night Live featured in-fighting among Democrats over President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda on its season premiere on Saturday night. And it’s arguable that SNL’s portrayal of this in-fighting was not only more entertaining but more comprehensible than any report in the mainstream media. For the record, though, here is a little of… Read more.
Podcast: Reinstate the Draft to Defend America Against Itself
Episode 48: Mandatory Military Service Will Improve Democracies and Prevent Stupid Wars… Related commentaries: bone-spur Trump… Listen.
If, With Some ‘Friends’, It’s Always About Them…
That says more about you than them. Read more.
Boxing Matches Are as Rigged as Russian Elections…
I suspect I need only cite Jake Paul to get any sports analyst worth their salt to commiserate over boxing matches becoming as rigged as Russian elections. Apropos of that, the following is from a Wednesday report in the London Guardian: ________ A major investigation into boxing at the 2016 Olympic Games has identified seven… Read more.
Greta Previews Cop26 Climate Summit with ‘Blah Blah Blah’
Greta Thunberg is the Swedish Cassandra of climate doom. She’s only 18, but she has been making international headlines for years by rebuking global leaders for failing to stem the ravages of climate change. In short, the authoritative nature of Greta’s critique is invariably matched only by its acerbic tone. No doubt this match is… Read more.
Chris Cuomo… Et tu, Brother?
I trust you’re aware of the allegations that finally forced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign or be impeached. I presaged his fate in “Hardball: NY Politicians Cutting Cuomo Down To Size…,” March 20, 2021. He resigned last month. Chris, his purportedly media-savvy baby brother, was forced to take time off from hosting his… Read more.
Podcast: Google and Apple Obey Putin’s Orders to Suppress Russian Votes
Episode 47: And May Obey His Orders to Suppress Our Votes Next… Related commentaries: Nicki Minaj… Sowing seeds… Listen.
In Texas They Treat Haitian Migrants Like Cattle. But Don’t Forget, They Also Suppress Voting Rights (for Blacks) and Ban Abortions
Related commentaries: Texas: votes and abortions… Haiti… Read more.