Here is how the BBC updated this unfolding international farce today: __________ The Serb star remains in immigration detention [at a hotel] in Melbourne after being denied entry on Wednesday. A court challenge is due on Monday, a week before the Australian Open begins. … Djokovic, who has said he is opposed to vaccination, had… Read more.
Jan. 6, the New ‘Lost Cause’ Millions Seem Willing to Die For…
Many Americans are marking this first anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection by making much ado about the 725 arrests the FBI has made. Except this is rather like passengers making much ado about the many buckets of water the crew were bailing from the Titanic … No doubt, given those arrests, Americans should be… Read more.
WTF! Mexico’s López Obrador Asked Trump to Pardon Julian Assange?
I was exceedingly happy when Mexicans elected López Obrador as president in 2018. Here in part is how I commented in “Mexicans Voted for López Obrador to Confront Donald Trump,” July 2, 2018: _________ Obrador has been running for president as a socialist godsend for 18 years, to no avail. … But the (orange) elephant in the… Read more.
Ghislaine Maxwell, the Fall Gal…
Here in part is what I predicted over two years ago in “Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself! This, Despite Prevailing Suspicions of Foul Play,” August 15, 2019: ________ Jeffrey Epstein was arguably the most notorious sex-trafficker and serial rapist in US history. His victims were too numerous to count and invariably too young. Even worse, he… Read more.
Happy New Year!
I know; but hope springs eternal. Read more.
To Deflect from Retreat at Ukrainian Border, Putin Bullies Human Rights Group Inside Russia…
Since last November, pundits have been commenting on the buildup of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border as if Russia were poised to mount the kind of blitzkrieg invasion of Ukraine that Germany mounted to invade Poland in 1939. To be fair, though, no less an authority than The Washington Post gave credence to their… Read more.
Merry Christmas! (Not that Christ has anything to do with it…)
Iran Nuclear Deal: Israel Regrets Trump Withdrawal. Duh…
Donald Trump has boasted about withdrawing the United States from the Iran Nuclear deal as if it were the most impressive diplomatic feat since Richard Nixon opened diplomatic relations with China. And Bibi Netanyahu has boasted about getting Trump to withdraw from that deal as if he had as much to do with it as… Read more.
Manchin Betrays Democrats. I Warned He Would…
Senator Manchin is finally making clear his intent to do to President Biden’s signature Build Back Better bill what Sen. John McCain did to President Trump’s signature Obamacare Repeal bill. The White House accused Sen. Joe Manchin III of a double-cross on President Biden’s mammoth social welfare and climate change legislation. In a fiery statement,… Read more.
Podcast: Lewis Hamilton Robbed of Formula 1 Glory
Episode 58: Like Whites Who Loved Willie Mays Until He Was About to Dethrone Babe Ruth, Whites Loved Lewis Hamilton Until He Was About to Dethrone Michael Schumacher… Related commentaries: Hamilton… Listen.