It turns out that, after suddenly fleeing to South Africa last year, Princess Charlene demanded a king’s ransom from Prince Albert to return to royal life in Monaco. And Albert reportedly feared the longer he waited to pay it, the more tabloid reports, about her becoming his runaway princess, would resonate. So he obliged. Of… Read more.
Former Trump Staffers Peddling Tell-Alls
Podcast Episode 76 The remarkable thing is that, even though they keep telling what has been plain for all to see, their books always become bestsellers. This episode explains that phenomenon and what it portends. Related commentaries: Ukraine thread… Listen.
Crypto Come, Crypto Go…
A steep sell-off that gained momentum this week starkly illustrated the risks of the experimental and unregulated digital currencies. The price of Bitcoin plunged to its lowest point since 2020. Coinbase, the large cryptocurrency exchange, tanked in value. A cryptocurrency that promoted itself as a stable means of exchange collapsed. And more than $300 billion… Read more.
Covid-19 Claims One Million American Lives…
President Biden hosted a summit of world leaders at the White House yesterday, at which he marked the “tragic milestone” of Covid claiming 0ne million American lives. President Joe Biden appealed to world leaders at a COVID-19 summit Thursday to reenergize a lagging international commitment to attacking the virus. … ‘This pandemic isn’t over,’ Biden… Read more.
Crises in Ukraine and Sri Lanka Are Opportunities for China…
Albert Einstein is noted for saying that, in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity. And so, in the midst of the genocidal war Russia is waging in Ukraine and the food and energy shortages that have Sri Lanka reeling, lies great opportunity for China. Specifically, these crises present opportunities for China to finally… Read more.
Putin, the Butcher of Bucha, Presides Over May Day Parade
The Western world watched as Russian President Vladimir Putin (aka the Butcher of Bucha) presided over his May Day parade today. But everyone waited with bated breath to hear what he would say about his “special military operation” in Ukraine. To say what he said was anticlimactic would be an understatement. Frankly, it was like… Read more.
Irony of Germany Enabling Russia’s Genocidal War in Ukraine
Podcast Episode 75 Germany professes a “special duty” to prevent genocides, and we all understand why. But Germany remained conspicuously AWOL as genocides raged across Asia and Africa, and we all understand why. Except that Germany is still remaining effectively so even as genocide is raging in its own backyard in Ukraine. History will record… Listen.
Republican Supreme Court Deliver Death to Abortion Rights
Chief Justice John Roberts himself confirmed yesterday that the leaked draft opinion, which delineates the reasoning for the (Republican) Supreme Court to finally overrule Roe v. Wade, “is authentic.” I commented on the Mississippi law that provided the pretext for the Court to deliver this death blow to abortion rights in America in “Abortion Brings… Read more.
NY Times Exposes Fox News Tucker Carlson as a Racist. Duh
The liberal intelligentsia are heaping Pulitzer praise on The New York Times for a series that exposes Fox News host Tucker Carlson as a racist. But count me out. Because this is rather like getting all atwitter over an investigative series that exposes Donald Trump as a liar. Duh. Here is how the eponymous “Intelligencer”… Read more.
Prof Snyder Says He Reintroduced the ‘Big Lie.’ That’s a Big Lie
On Thursday’s edition of The Rachel Maddow Show, Professor Timothy Snyder of Yale University claimed that he reintroduced the concept of the “Big Lie” into public discussion in 2019. But that itself is a big lie. Snyder is arguably the heir apparent to Noam Chomsky as America’s bestselling (academic) author. In fact, his book On… Read more.