Senator Kennedy: Theatrics trumps service Louisiana Senator John Kennedy cares more about entertaining MAGA Republicans with one-liners than serving his constituents. His disgraceful performance at yesterday’s press conference following the New Orleans terrorist attack proves it. While most public officials focused on the tragic loss of 15 lives, Kennedy seized the mic and ranted like… Read more.
Happy New Year 2025 – Good Luck!
Jimmy Carter, the Best Ex-President, Is Dead.
Former President Jimmy Carter died on Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., after deciding nearly two years ago to forgo further medical care following a series of medical crises, according to two people close to the family and The Carter Center, the nonprofit he and his wife founded. At 100, he was the longest-lived… Read more.
Musk Whips MAGA Over H1B – and Trump Wags His Tail
MAGA civil war Elon Musk threw the following tantrum that triggered a schism in MAGA world: The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face.… Read more.
Happy Hanukkah – Despite the Rise in Antisemitism
Rise in antisemitism Let’s celebrate Hanukkah by standing with Jews everywhere to combat the antisemitic violence terrorizing them. History is flashing warnings to the world. Outbursts of antisemitism have often been harbingers of societies in deep trouble and omens that extremism and violence are imminent. So the wave of global hatred directed against Jews –… Read more.
Happy Kwanzaa!
Black pride Many Black Americans insist on calling themselves African Americans. Yet, many know little about their American heritage, and even less about African ancestry. That might be because “Black pride” is about as ethereal and subjective as religious faith. Martin Luther King Jr. taught us the objective value of judging people not by the color of their skin… Read more.
Happy Boxing Day!
Boxing Day: a Christmas hangover Today is Boxing Day. It’s a Christmas hangover holiday, which the countries of the British Commonwealth observe on December 26. However, like most British (‘bank’) holidays, it has no modern significance. It merely provides lazy Englishmen (and the people they ‘colonized’) a pretext for another day off from work. The historical hijinks of Boxing… Read more.
Happy Christmas!
Happy Festivus
Seinfeld’s famous Festivus Playwrights have long used jesters to spotlight the folly in prevailing thoughts and customs. And they were doing so long before William Shakespeare patented this literary device. However, Jerry Seinfeld might be the first jester to employ this device. He did so by making “Festivus for the rest of us” the theme of… Read more.
Is Mohammad Julani Syria’s Fidel Castro?
Syria’s rebel leader Abu Mohammad al Julani is promising to build a secular, inclusive society that respects minority rights. Western leaders are eating it up. They’re salivating at the chance to snatch Syria from Russia’s autocratic axis and parade it as a new democracy. President Biden is so impressed he scrapped the $10 million bounty… Read more.