The husband of controversial Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed for divorce Wednesday on grounds their marriage is ‘irretrievably broken.’ Perry Greene, who married the firebrand politician, is also asking to seal the divorce proceedings, ‘because the parties’ significant privacy interest in sealing the records outweighs the public’s minuscule interest in access to said records,’ court… Read more.
Courtiers: Intrigue, Ambition, and the Power Players Featuring Harry and Meghan
Publishers will release Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low on October 6. Low is the royal correspondent for The Times of London. His book unveils the intrigue, ambition, and power players at Buckingham Palace. And Harry and Meghan are at the center of all of them. Courtiers: Intrigue, Ambition, and the Power Players Buckingham Palace launched an… Read more.
British MP Huq Criticizing Chancellor Kwarteng Is Like the Pot Calling the Kettle Not Black Enough
Rich whites have been using the concept of race to divide and conquer the poor since time immemorial. This has manifested over time in episodes that reflect what are arguably the insidious effects of Stockholm Syndrome. Case in point is British Labour MP Rupa Huq, of Pakistani descent, accusing British Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer… Read more.
One Crash Test for DART, One Step from Extinction for Humankind
If anyone still needed any reason, events playing out in Ukraine since February 24 have given us many reasons to thank God America won the Cold War. But the event that played out in space yesterday threw even those reasons into clarifying relief. America planning to save Earth, Russia threatening to destroy it America demonstrated… Read more.
Wes Moore’s Kennedyesque Call to Public Service Augurs Well for His Own…as President
Clearly, given everything from the Peace Corps to AmeriCorps, there is nothing new about politicians calling on Americans to volunteer for public service. The service year option, which would provide job training and mentorship, is designed to prepare young Marylanders for college and careers and to make access to those opportunities equitable and affordable; part… Read more.
Are Women Prosecutors the Only Ones Who Are Going to Hold Trump Accountable?
No doubt the women are leading. But the men will be following in…due course. Except that the following from yesterday’s edition of The Daily Beast might reflect the prevailing view in this regard: Despite continued allegations of fraud and obstruction of justice claims against Donald Trump, somehow there are still only two people continuing to… Read more.
New York AG Letitia James Sues Donald Trump, Hitting Him Where It Really Hurts
That Donald Trump is a bloviating fraud and a serial tax cheat comes as no surprise to anyone who knows anything about his business practices. Why Trump can’t admit he lost In fact, I presaged two years ago all of the allegations AG Letitia James teased in her sensational press conference yesterday in “The Tax… Read more.
Trump Is Right! Biden Should Not Have Allowed the British to Seat Him at the Back of the Church for the Queen’s Funeral
Granted, he’s still not even as reliable as a broken clock. But even Donald Trump can be right once in a blue moon. More than 500 foreign heads of state, monarchs and dignitaries attended the event, including Biden and first lady Jill Biden. The first family was placed in the 14th row of the church’s south transept, seven rows… Read more.
Referendums in Luhansk and Donetsk Regions of Ukraine
With these referendums, the Russians are saying: We can’t beat them, so let’s claim their territory, and hope for the best. That, in effect, is what Putin is having his puppets in the Russian-back Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk do. Russian-installed leaders in occupied areas of four Ukrainian regions set out plans for referendums… Read more.
Farewell Tribute to the Queen…and the Monarchy
Podcast Episode 89 My affection for the queen was always tempered by my contempt for the Monarchy. As the “reprobate” son of a preacher man, however, I am all too mindful that this smacks of the canard of hating the sin, not the sinner. But I think you’ll find the explanation I offer for my… Listen.