Frankly, bitching about human rights in Qatar is rather like awarding China the next World Cup and then bitching about Orwellian censorship there. Read more.
Midterm Elections: Republican Red Wave vs Democratic Sea Wall
Podcast Episode 97 It turns out reports of the death of American democracy were greatly exaggerated. Because voters not only rejected Republican calls for a Trumpian autocracy, but defied jack-booted MAGA thugs who tried to intimidate them against voting to do so. Most affirming and reassuring in this respect, of course, was all the threats… Listen.
Hakeem Jeffries Taking the Torch of Leadership Would Make Even JFK Proud…
I published the post-election post “Trump Turns Republican Red Wave Blue for Democrats” on November 9. In it, I advised President Biden to deliver the very speech Speaker Pelosi delivered yesterday. Under that post’s sub-heading, “Now is the time to go, Joe,” I urged Biden to announce he’s passing the torch to a new generation of Democratic… Read more.
Zelensky Is Alienating NATO by Insisting the Missiles that Landed in Poland Were Russian
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seems hellbent on drawing NATO into direct conflict with Russia. For example, he immediately blamed Russia for a missile that crash-landed in Poland last Tuesday. We can chalk that up to the fog of war. But then Polish President Duda announced that the “missile appears to have been fired by Ukrainian air defence.” More to the… Read more.
Another Mass Shooting at UVA
Mass shootings at schools in America have become commonplace. That’s why Sunday’s mass shooting at UVA barely registered as “Breaking News.” Mass shootings Of course, America places a premium on forcing women to have unwanted children. But then it shows little concern for the welfare of those children after birth. This explains why: The mass shooting of 20 kids at Sandy… Read more.
Rihanna Features Johnny Depp in Her Fashion Show. Why Rihanna, Why?
Rihanna featured Johnny Depp in her fashion show. And it speaks volumes about his damaged reputation that his appearance evoked more jeers than cheers. Everyone is asking why she featured him. Rihanna features Johnny Depp Literally, why is he here? Johnny Depp made an appearance during Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty Show Vol. 4 on Wednesday. During the… Read more.
Observing Veterans Day
Podcast Episode 96 Search Veterans Day and the top results will be all about holiday shopping deals. But Congress intended this day to honor those who served in the Armed Forces, especially the ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice. This episode is a forlorn reminder of that original intent. * The episode was originally… Listen.
Putin Not Attending G20 Summit in Indonesia: Leaders Can Breathe Without Him Stinking Up the Place
Putin not attending G20 summit Russian President Vladimir is not attending this week’s G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. That’s to avoid having the other leaders treat him like a skunk at the garden party. So now, everyone will be able able to breathe more easily. It’s good that this genocidal maniac still has enough common sense to avoid… Read more.
Trump Turns Republican Red Wave Blue for Democrats
Everyone expected Republicans to wrest control of both chambers of Congress. But that’s only because no one expected former President Donald Trump to be such a drag for Republican candidates. Trump turns Republican red wave blue But early results indicate that this disgraced, twice-impeached, coup-plotting former president motivated millions to vote against Republicans. Control of both chambers of Congress hung… Read more.
US Midterms 2022: Elon Musk Tweets His True Color
US midterms 2022 Elon Musk is using Twitter to help Republicans turn America into a MAGA dystopia. And he is being as discreet about it as Donald Trump has been about running for president again. Trump’s narcissism has him angling to steal all the glory Republicans presume will be theirs tomorrow. He will steal their thunder by announcing his 2024 presidential… Read more.