The world is “shocked, shocked” that yet another African leader has upended democracy to assume absolute power over his country. When Togo’s strongman, President Gnassingbe Eyadema, died a few weeks ago, the military installed his son as leader. This contravened the country’s constitutional provisions for presidential succession. In doing so, however, the Togolese were merely… Read more.
Target Syria? Condi Begins Saber Rattling
Today, U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice recalled U.S. Envoy to Syria Margaret Scobey to protest the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister, Rafiq Hariri. This, even though she conceded that there’s no evidence Syria had anything to do with his death. Except that this diplomatic slap was only intended to warn President… Read more.
The Ipinions Journal
Like most DC lawyers, I am challenged on a daily basis to express informed opinions on non-legal matters. However, in the company of lawyers (or worse – politicians), opinions are often spoken but never heard. This weblog will serve as my way to be heard. Read more.