Sorry Hu. I know we promised. But George says that if we share our toys with you, he won’t play with us anymore….And, well, you understand, no? Meanwhile, Bush – the democracy crusader – has decided to undermine the world’s largest democracy (India) by selling nuclear capable jet fighters to its neighbour and perennial enemy,… Read more.
Putinization: President Putin reforming Russia in his own image
Comrade Putin commandeering the Russian ship of state back to the safe harbor of Soviet times… The Putinization of Russia continues apace, and Papa Joe Stalin must be very proud indeed. In fact, President Vladimir Putin’s power and influence have become so totalitarian that national polls show Russians have more faith in him than in… Read more.
Whitney Houston Says Crack Is Whack. But It’s Back!
Wow, Whitney Houston is a bigger crackhead than Bobby Brown? Ain’t that a bitch! When Whitney married Bobby 13 years ago, we all feared he would lead her astray. Yet all indications are that she has rivaled him in bringing public disgrace and humiliation upon their family. Crack is whack Bobby already had a notorious record of bad… Read more.
Barry Bonds: Coward, Cry Baby & Cheater (on Baseball and his Wife!)
Bonds: Hey, if I were on steroids, do you think I’d need these damn crutches to walk – duh! It seems Barry Bonds would rather run away from baseball than stand up at the plate and risk being exposed as the most infamous cheater in the history professional sports. Yesterday, the man who would be… Read more.
Who’s That Girl…The Latina Madonna?
Gloria Trevi: Living la vida loca… At a time when fans who wanted to be like Mike (Jackson that is) are moon walking in droves away from his image, Madonna wannabes remain as devoted to her ever changing style as ever. Indeed, it seems that almost every country in the world still has its own… Read more.
Ecuador’s indigenous people fight to reclaim ancestral land…
For decades, international environmentalists have been decrying the deforestation of the Amazon basin as the most amoral act by man against nature in world history. But, from the unsuspecting native tribes that welcomed Spanish explorers centuries ago to national governments that conspired with multinational corporations in modern times, indigenous people of the Amazon have always… Read more.
Anyone Who Tries to Make Sense of This is Crazy
The face of evil…Who failed you son? A couple days ago, this boy walked into his school on an Indian Reservation in Minnesota and shot everyone in sight. When it was all over, 10 people were dead, including the trigger boy who shot himself. Despite the verbal flatulence now polluting the media with psychological and… Read more.
Kofi Annan’s Sweeping Reforms to Save His Job!
The United Nations is one of the most disunited, corrupt and ungovernable organization in the world. And, if its leader were held to the minimal standards of governance required of leaders at charitable organizations in the United States, he would have already been indicted on a battery of criminal and civil offenses. (Click here for… Read more.
Queen Camilla!
Yes, Charles and Camilla are now laughing all the way to the throne. This, as they continue to outplay all the odds. Queen Camilla Buckingham Palace announced their engagement last month by pronouncing that Camilla SHALL NOT become Queen. She would be called Princess Consort instead. But that was just a ruse. No doubt “The… Read more.
Nelson Mandela Makes Good Use of His Celebrity Friends
Last Saturday, Nelson Mandela, the world’s most revered celebrity, hosted a group of his musician friends to perform another benefit concert for his Foundation to combat the AIDS pandemic in Africa. It is noteworthy, however, that where two former American Presidents were recently feted for being drafted to lead the Tsunami relief efforts, this former… Read more.