Mugabe: We won…again. But my conscience is eating me alive…. (No $#!+ Sir!) As everyone expected, Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF Party schemed, intimidated and bullied their way to another victory in Zimbabwe’s parliamentary elections 2 days ago. And Mugabe, 81, has already declared that he will now change Zimbabwe’s Constitution to grant him the… Read more.
The Legacy of Terri Schiavo
The passing of Terri Schiavo this week was a momentous occasion for reasons that only disillusion, disappoint and disgust me. (Click here and here to read what informs my cynicism.) Nevertheless, there was a silver lining in that dark cloud hovering over the public spectacle that was made of Mrs Schiavo’s (natural) wish to die… Read more.
Prince Charles Decries “You Bloody Fools!”
Prince Charles: God, I can’t bear this Royal life anymore! I say Wills, why don’t we both renounce the Throne? [Author’s license] The truth wills out: Prince Charles hates the British press almost as much as they hate him. Yesterday, in an extraordinarily puerile display of seething indignation, Prince Charles called the Royal press corps… Read more.
Royalty: Not what it used to be – not even in America…
Princess Michael of Kent: Don’t you know who I am! Recently, in an unguarded moment, Princess Michael of Kent unleashed a little of that English white mischief that not too long ago incited natives into rebellion and led to the fall of the British Empire. The occasion was a fancy New York City restaurant where… Read more.
The Plague of Haitian migrants in the Caribbean…
Caribbean nations are becoming extremely exasperated with the seemingly endless influx of Haitian migrants into their countries. Because it is now painfully clear that these desperate souls not only drain limited social services but also contribute to increasing incidences of crime and disorder in local communities throughout the region. Despite increasing political stability, chronic poverty, hunger and… Read more.
Johnnie Cochran: The Lawyer Who Saved OJ Dies
1937 – 2005 Johnnie L Cochran, the most clever, debonair and charismatic lawyer of our time, died yesterday from an inoperable brain tumor. Too many people only regarded Cochran as the lawyer who helped OJ Simpson get away with murder. But for those of us who knew a little about the man, Johnnie was not… Read more.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: from He-man to Girlie-man!
Anabolic steroids have been a topic of considerable public debate lately. But nobody exploited and personified their use more infamously than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger: from he-man to girlie-man Schwarzenegger now serves as a public service announcement against steroid use: he flaunted the inflated benefits in his prime, but now displays the deflated effects in his old age. In short, using… Read more.
Zimbabweans pray for liberation from their liberator – Robert Mugabe
Robert Mugabe has decreed that his iron fist shall continue to rule Zimbabwe! The Mugabe government of Zimbabwe is the most corrupt, dysfunctional, and incompetent in Africa. And, on a continent that has the most corrupt, dysfunctional, and incompetent governments in the entire world, Mugabe’s achievement in this regard is a truly dubious distinction. Therefore,… Read more.
Kofi Annan’s UN Demise…
Kojo Annan: Scapegoat and Nepotistic villain? It seems that the investigations into widely reported corruption and malfeasance at the United Nations have plunged its seemingly unflappable leader, Kofi Annan, into extreme depths of despair. Many speculate, however, that Annan’s emotional anguish has not been caused by pending reports on the UN’s negligent performance in peacekeeping… Read more.
The Pope, Terri Schiavo and Prince Rainier: Eternal Vigils for the Living Dead…
Is it just me or is the 24/7 media coverage of the death throes of the Pope, Mrs Schiavo and now, perhaps, Prince Rainier of Monaco becoming a macabre farce? The Pope Witness the spectacle on Good Friday of the Pope being put on display like a scene out of Weekend at Bernie’s. Indeed, the… Read more.