Mark Thatcher has been the bane of his mother’s existence for all of her political life: from his involvement in illegal arms dealing to getting lost in the Sahara desert while participating in an international car race. And now, in addition to causing her more emotional anguish and public embarrassment, he has sullied her good… Read more.
A Black Pope = Black Smoke?
Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria Unlike anywhere else in the world, African Catholics are growing in number and are almost as faithful to the Catechism of the Catholic Church as Pope John Paul II was himself. Therefore, the selection of an African Cardinal as the next Pope would seem divinely inspired. But, since there is… Read more.
Bush Converts an Icon of the Liberal Democratic Establishment
Marty Peretz: I pledge allegiance to George W. Bush and to the doctrine for which he stands…America, right or wrong! As President Bush continues his Forrest Gump-like domination of world politics, his detractors remain marginalized in stupefaction and awe (and nursing more than a little envy). For his American critics, however, these emotions have just… Read more.
Genocide in the DR Congo: Rwanda with a Vengeance
In the fertile killing fields of the DR Congo even children must kill or be killed! During his 1998 celebrity tour of Africa, President Bill Clinton apologized (like he does so well) for being too preoccupied with his personal problems to deploy America’s political and military power to prevent the genocidal massacre of almost 1… Read more.
Hollywood Exposed – Take One: Jane Fonda’s Bulimia
Last Sunday, on the news program 60 Minutes, Jane Fonda exorcised some of her demons in a book promotion conversation with Leslie Stahl. The interview provided some titillating and interesting bits of information: For example, Jane’s revelations about the most promiscuous of her 3 marriages (that had her cruising for women to engage in regular… Read more.
Hollywood Exposed – Take Two: Michael Douglas’ Cosmetic Surgery
It’s always pathetic to see old, wealthy and powerful men hobbling around with their Lolita wives thinking of themselves as the masters of the universe. But, at least most of them have the self-confidence and good sense to require their gold-digging trophy wives to take them as come. Now entering stage left, however, is the… Read more.
More Stains on President Bill Clinton’s Legacy
Last weekend’s media focus on the death of Pope John Paul II covered up the report of yet another scandal to add to the legacy of President Bill Clinton: After almost a year of denying any wrongdoing, Clinton’s national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, pleaded guilty on Friday to the charge of stealing classified files… Read more.
The Pope Dies but Life Goes On….
# 1 movie in an America seeking a similar fate to that of Sodom and Gamorrah! Last weekend, as the world mourned the death of the most holy Pope John Paul II, Americans flaunted their defiantly secular faith by flocking to a most sinful movie featuring a Catholic Cardinal as a cannibal who teams up… Read more.
The wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla: A marriage damned, if not doomed!
We must drive on my dear! Despite the perils of Pauline that have characterized the intended nuptials of Charles and Camilla, they seem determined to marry come hell or high water. Well, now comes confirmation that this marriage is damned, if not doomed. Bulletin: Charles and Camilla to celebrate their wedding on the very day… Read more.
IL PAPA…Farewell
1920 – 2005 Click here for the BBC News Obituary on Pope John Paul II. And, click here and here for Recent Articles on the Pope’s end of life struggles. News and Politics Read more.