The new infallible leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church has decreed his name shall be Pope Benedict XVI. Unfortunately, the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany as Pope seems hardly inspired. Indeed, it may even be ominous. And, given his provocative political inclinations, Ratzinger’s election is much more than a matter between… Read more.
Peeling the skin off the Banana Wars…
News media around the world lauded the armistice in the six year “Banana War” that was signed on 11 April 2005 by the United States and the European Union. But much of the reporting about this event glossed over the complex geo-political and economic relationships that fueled this conflict and ignored lingering issues that are… Read more.
Cardinal Ratzinger: Another Nazi Pope?
The Cardinal’s sin by association… Today, Catholic Cardinals secrete themselves to elect a new Pope. But already we are being entertained by the machinations of the Judas Iscariots among them. Up until last weekend, many pontifical pundits were touting the holy merits of Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany and, thereby, making him the putative front runner.… Read more.
Rich Snobs Trying to Keep Public off Public Beaches
Some people live by the cynical motto that there’s nothing money can’t buy. Indeed, only this explains why anyone would attempt to use personal wealth to deny public access to public beaches. Read below the arrogant follies of two rich people who thought their money entitled them to do just that: David Geffen of Malibu… Read more.
The Next Pope: The World Awaits White Smoke…
Catholics of the world – have faith! Your next Pope will be selected by holy men inspired by the Holy Ghost. Click here for insights into the more secular (and real) selection process. (And to see why talk of a Black Pope was just a smoke screen.) News and Politics Read more.
Women Still Fighting for Equal Rights: Against Right-Wing Zealots in Government and the Health Care Profession.
Look Mister, it’s bad enough that I have to fight the government for my rights…but you? I don’t think so. You’d better hand over my pills before I go PMS on you! Click here to read more on the Talibanization of America…. News and Politics Read more.
Bahamians Challenge Government’s Sale of Crown Lands!
For decades, Bahamian government officials have been announcing new agreements – almost monthly – with foreign investors to develop another piece of their paradise islands. And, with over 90% of the 700 islands and 2400 cays in the archipelago of The Bahamas still virtually uninhabited, there seemed no end to this trend. But that all… Read more.
Baseball Returns to Washington…Play Ball!
President Bush, displaying major league form, throws out the inaugural pitch for the Nationals’ season opener! Just what we need in Washington: another splendid diversion to keep already distracted politicians from doing their jobs! Nevertheless, to cap a perfect opening day, the Washington Nationals won 5–3 over the Arizona Diamondbacks. Click here and here for… Read more.
Hillary Exposed!
Attention Clintonistas! Clinton (Hillary this time) needs your blind loyalty now more than ever…. New Yorkers and Washingtonians are all atwitter about another “vast right-wing conspiracy” that threatens to kill the political ambitions of Bill and Hillary Clinton (i.e., their famous ‘two-for-one’ presidencies – with his down, and hers to go … in ‘08). The… Read more.
Kill Bush in the name of Free Speech?
This computer generated collage is being exhibited at a reputable gallery as a work of art. And, despite capturing the well-publicized attention of the Secret Service, its creator feels protected from censorship and criminal prosecution by the freedom of expression enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. And well he should! Nevertheless, I… Read more.