Life imitates art as kindergarten cops arrest unruly 5-year old student. Law enforcement officials, legal experts and child care specialists are perplexed over a story that came to light a couple days ago. And, it has provoked debate on a genuine social (and family) dilemma for which there seems to be no clear resolution or… Read more.
Black political leadership in America is dead! Thank God for (hip hop) mogul Russell Simmons?
Perhaps it’s a sign of black political and economic success that the notion of a leader of black America has essentially fallen into desuetude. Indeed, the public agendas of erstwhile black leaders demonstrate how irrelevant even they seem to think such a notion is today. After all, men like Jesse Jackson and Vernon Jordan now… Read more.
The Belated Conversion of Hitler’s Swiss Bankers
In the late 1990s, the banking secrets that protected Switzerland’s national criminal enterprise were finally exposed. Joint investigations by US authorities and the World Jewish Congress uncovered documents verifying claims by Holocaust survivors that Swiss banks were holding and benefiting from billions of dollars in assets that they were entitled to – claims that Swiss… Read more.
A laughing shame: Clinton Stumps for Blair in UK Elections!
It is an open secret that Democratic politicians in the US generally favor the Labor candidate for Prime Minister in British national elections. Nevertheless, respect for British sovereignty and the intelligence of the British people have always constrained Democratic politicians from expressing this preference openly (in the US or, perish the thought, the UK). (And,… Read more.
Update: Armistice in the China – Japan Schoolyard Row?
Yesterday, China and Japan elevated their schoolyard row to a high-stakes political chess game as their respective leaders met on neutral territory to solicit pawns for their cause. But before Chinese President Hu Jintao had a chance to make his first move on this world stage, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi check-mated him by making… Read more.
The Pope: Saint Peter’s Fisherman Becomes a Breakfast Chef!
Pope Benedict XVI giving non-Catholics food for thought… News and Politics Read more.
Update: 10 More Women Accuse Bill Cosby of Sexual Assault…Rape!
Last February, Bill Cosby – America’s favorite TV Dad (and faithful husband) – escaped prison when prosecutors investigating allegations of sexual assault concluded they did not have sufficient evidence to convict him at trial, beyond a reasonable doubt. But no one thought that was the end of the story. Indeed, just over a month later… Read more.
Republicans Threaten Nuclear Option Against Democrats Over Judicial Nominees
[With apologies folks, this is very inside Washington stuff] Today, after almost two years of partisan bickering, the fractious members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee finally recommended the confirmation of President Bush’s judicial nominee – Judge Janice Brown – to the US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. But a political confrontation of… Read more.
President Mbeki: Recognized Leader of Africa’s Green Revolution
Good news from Africa…for a change: Africans are becoming model stewards of the most exotic wildlife, lush indigenous forests and complex freshwater and marine habitats in the world. And, they are doing so on their own initiative – without prodding from eco-crusaders like do-gooders from the World Wildlife Organization. Leading Africa’s new era of environmental… Read more.
Prisoner Abuse Clarified: Justified torture versus inexcusable police brutality
Last week, lawyers for six prisoners detained at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo), Cuba filed yet another lawsuit against the US government alleging more incidents of torture and abuse. Of course, this case will only fuel the hysteria surrounding government efforts to prevent another terrorist attack on America. Many Americans seem unaware that torture and police brutality… Read more.