The Fourth Summit of the Americas convenes in Argentina in early November. However, unlike previous summits at which America set and dominated the agenda, this one holds the prospect of Venezuela emerging as a formidable player in determining what matters will command the attention of participating delegates: A seismic change in hemispheric geopolitics that stems… Read more.
Woman Convicted of Raping a Man! No, Really…
NOW, this is what a rapist looks like also… Anyone who laments the growing backlash against feminism in America can take comfort in the forward march towards gender equality in Norway. But liberated women of the world beware: Last week a trial in this progressive Scandinavian country established a legal precedent that looms as a… Read more.
British General Elections: Tony Blair Dissembling Labour to Victory…Again!
Scientific polls have become to political elections what sonograms are to pregnancies: a method of predicting results that make the actual event somewhat anticlimactic. Moreover, when political candidates incite nothing but visceral disgust or soporific moans then voting becomes little more than a pro forma chore. And this, in fact, is the pregnant state of… Read more.
Chelsea: English Soccer Champions…at last!
Chelsea players enjoying a primal scream after their first national Championship. Yesterday, Chelsea confirmed that they really are the best soccer team money could buy: It took 50 years, the cold cash of a Russian Oligarch and the win or die temperament of a Portuguese manager to finally make champions of England’s most storied soccer… Read more.
Good Morning America…Iraq is burning!
More American soldiers were blown up today…but we interrupt this story for some Breaking News: The Georgia runaway bride returns home… News and Politics Read more.
The Race-Baiting Runaway Bride!
The bride-to-be, who only hours ago many feared was murdered by her fiancé, is very much alive. Reaction to this news, however, is running the gamut from sympathy to outrage. But, even though both extremes are perfectly understandable, one little fact about her “cold feet” odyssey incites more outrage than sympathy: When she finally realized… Read more.
Americans Dieting their Way to Obesity!
News and Politics Read more.
President Bush’s Prime Time Press Conference – April 2005
Please scroll down this page to the article on Vladimir Putin’s democratic crusade and yesterday’s article on Bush and the Saudis, and determine for yourself whether Bush or his press courtiers acquitted themselves well in last night’s putative press conference. Moreover, is it just me or did Bush seem as scatterbrained last night as he… Read more.
Putin’s Crusade of Democratic Relativism…has Bush’s Support?
In his State of the Union Address last Monday, President Vladimir Putin laid out a political agenda for Russia that aims at not only countering America’s military power (by establishing a military alliance with China for example) but also challenging the accepted wisdom that American-style democracy is best for all nations. Moreover, Putin’s speech follows… Read more.
The Bushes and Sauds: Elusive (financial?) Ties That Actually Bind!
Last Monday, in the midst of yet another national uproar over gasoline prices, the Crown Prince of the House of Bush gave a very affectionate welcome to (America’s oil-rich friend) the Crown Prince of the House of Saud at the Western White House in Crawford, Texas. (Incidentally, it is instructive to note that Prince Abdullah… Read more.