Godzilla returns? Run for your life! This is NOT a test… If any resident of Washington DC believes that America is winning the war on terror, she has to be a hopelessly deluded Republican guest worker. Because for those who live and work in the capital of the United States, 9/11 has made us permanent… Read more.
Free Traders Marshalling Forces To Push CAFTA Into Law
Today President Bush summoned his junior partners in the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) to an emergency meeting in Washington DC. Because it appears that CAFTA has had a big fall and all the President’s partners and all the President’s lobbyists are needed to patch it together again…. In fact, CAFTA is hemorrhaging towards… Read more.
The Bride of Wildenstein…
In New York City – where plastic surgery is as commonplace as working out – Jocelyne Wildenstein is considered a plastic surgery freak. And, the reasons are self-evident. Last week she revealed her latest nip/tuck success. And, much to the continuing amusement and consternation of all who have seen her, Ms Wildenstein remains clawed to… Read more.
Commemorating Russia’s Role in WWII: Putin hosted a Communist Parade that even Bush enjoyed…
World leaders from every corner of the earth showed up in Moscow’s Red Square yesterday to pay homage to the Russians who fought so bravely and sacrificed so much to help end Nazi tyranny during World War II. And, in a world that seems beset by the spectre terrorism and nuclear brinkmanship, this occasion demonstrated… Read more.
Monaco’s (and Europe’s) First Black Prince?
Prince Albert II of Monaco is a confirmed bachelor. His skirt-chasing street cred rivals Warren Beatty’s. That is until Annette Benning domesticated a 55-year-old Beatty. And he was still virile. Because, instead of skirts, he’s chasing kids – four of them. Monaco’s first Black Prince Unlike Beatty, however, Albert has been carefree about planting his seed in… Read more.
Happy Mother’s Day
Indeed! News and Politics Read more.
British PM Tony Blair re-elected to historic 3rd term
Blair wins! But in the sadomasochistic culture of British politics, winning simply isn’t good enough. Click here to read why members of his own Party have wiped that winning smirk right off Blair’s face. News and Politics Read more.
Another Coalition Defection Brewing? Basta! Basta! Cry the Italians…
President Bush rang Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy yesterday to express America’s profound sympathies for the accidental killing of Nicola Calipari – an Italian secret agent who he described as “a heroic servant of Italy and esteemed friend of the United States”. Calipari was killed by American soldiers moments after he procured the release of… Read more.
President Clinton to the Youth of America: Do as I say, not as I did…Indeed!
A few days ago, President Clinton and fellow bubba, Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, announced their fat chance crusade to end childhood obesity in America by 2015. But, as Clinton shared empathetic stories about being a junk-food loving chubby kid, it could not have been lost on his rapt audience of teenage junk-food junkies that,… Read more.
Celebrity Judge Paula Abdul: Making Booty Calls to an American Idol?
Last night, in a shameless ratings ploy, the ABCNews program PrimeTime Live finally aired its hit piece on the FOX show American Idol. But no matter the hype or packaging of their “expose”, ABCNews executives ought to be ashamed for presenting as investigative journalism such water-cooler innuendos about an older woman using her position (allegedly)… Read more.