Republican Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee shakes hands with Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada last night after some of their lieutenants patched together a compromise for the Parties to return to regular business in the US Senate…and wait to fight another day. Gun-shy Senators from the Republican and Democratic Parties (14 of them led,… Read more.
Laura Bush: Heckled as Political Envoy, Welcomed as First Lady…
US First Lady Laura Bush should fire whoever thought it was a good idea to throw her into the lion’s den of Middle East politics. And, if that political nincompoop happens to be the President himself, then she should pull a Lysistrata on him until he goes blue…in the face! (Come to think of it,… Read more.
English Aristocrats Continue their White Mischief in Africa…with Impunity!
Today the African nation of Kenya is simmering with tension that threatens to erupt any moment into race riots that would make those following the Rodney King trial in Los Angeles seem relatively tame. This percolating racial unrest was ignited on Thursday when murder charges against Thomas Cholmondeley, 45, son of the 5th Baron Delamere… Read more.
Celebrity-obsessed world has made actors and rock stars the statesmen of our times…
It is a sad commentary on the state of world affairs that the political initiatives of a rock star or Hollywood actress are taken more seriously than those of a seasoned statesman. But that is the perverse reality when it comes to the global fight against HIV/AIDS and poverty throughout the developing world. Only this explains… Read more.
Revenge of the Sith or Fahrenheit 9/11 for people with brains?
Where Michael Moore projected outright anti-Bush propaganda in his Fahrenheit 9/11, director George Lucas supposedly conveys subtle anti-Bush messages in this (final) Episode III of his Star Wars franchise. Nevertheless, both films prove that bashing Bush is good movie business! News and Politics Read more.
Bush Administration Condemns Newsweek? What Nerve…
News and Politics Read more.
Plans for NY’s Ground Zero blown up! But TRUMP (as deus ex machina) Pledges to Rebuild the World Trade Center himself…
World Trader Center before 9/11 Donald Trump – the world-renowned, self-promoting P.T. Barnum of corporate America – pledged this week to wrest control from NY state authorities to rebuild the Twin Towers himself. Now, before eyes start rolling, please remember that in the 1980s after NYC officials wasted millions over years trying to renovate a… Read more.
Update: Washington descends into Political War over President Bush’s Judicial Nominees!
Republican Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee plotting war strategy with his 4-Star generals – judicial nominees Judge Janice Rogers Brown (center) and Judge Priscilla R. Owen On Wednesday, the US Senate began debate on two of President Bush’s most beleaguered nominations to the Federal Court of Appeals. Unfortunately, these nominees are merely scapegoats in a… Read more.
More Prisoner Abuse? Saddam Hussein Caught (this time) on Candid Camera!
Without his valet, Saddam trying to figure whether it’s one leg at a time or both at once… Whilst serious news magazines like Newsweek are trampling over journalistic ethics to report prisoner abuses, real or imagined, at Abu Gharib and Guantanamo Bay, this picture shows that the tabloids are staying true to their principles by… Read more.
D-Day for Canada’s Prime Minister and his Scandal-Plagued Government: Pass the Budget or the Government Falls!
Ever since the controversial election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Canadians have made a national sport of ridiculing American politics with moral indignation. Indeed, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin endeared himself to his compatriots by promising to distance his government from the provincial policies that many Canadians deem to be turning their overweening… Read more.